Class 3: Day 2

Evening everybody!
Wow, what a day we have had today. It has been packed full of activities. After breakfast we went caving, some tight squeezes but we all managed to navigate through caves. 
We then went abseiling, we all had a go from the top, it was great. Everyone was encouraging each other and we worked as a team to help our friends. 
We then had a scavenger hunt, we had to use the items found from our scavenger hunt to make a mini camp area for survival.. which fits perfectly with our topic. 
We had lunch then split into our two groups, and over the afternoon did archery and the leap of faith. 
You all would be so proud to see your children and how resilient they were and how encouraging they were to their friends and also to us as teachers. The leap of faith consisted of climbing up a pole and standing on a small platform then jump off and try and hit the ball.  
Everyone had a go even if it was just to climb up the pole, but your children were truly incredible today. 
We have had our evening meal and now completing the final activity of the day before pacing and getting ready to come home tomorrow. 
Catch up with you tomorrow morning, 
Nos da,
Miss Davies and Mrs Roberts.. also we have a visit from Mrs Parry 😀

Class 3: Day 2

Evening everybody!
Wow, what a day we have had today. It has been packed full of activities. After breakfast we went caving, some tight squeezes but we all managed to navigate through caves. 
We then went abseiling, we all had a go from the top, it was great. Everyone was encouraging each other and we worked as a team to help our friends. 
We then had a scavenger hunt, we had to use the items found from our scavenger hunt to make a mini camp area for survival.. which fits perfectly with our topic. 
We had lunch then split into our two groups, and over the afternoon did archery and the leap of faith. 
You all would be so proud to see your children and how resilient they were and how encouraging they were to their friends and also to us as teachers. The leap of faith consisted of climbing up a pole and standing on a small platform then jump off and try and hit the ball.  
Everyone had a go even if it was just to climb up the pole, but your children were truly incredible today. 
We have had our evening meal and now completing the final activity of the day before pacing and getting ready to come home tomorrow. 
Catch up with you tomorrow morning, 
Nos da,
Miss Davies and Mrs Roberts.. also we have a visit from Mrs Parry 😀

Class 3: Rise and Shine

Bore Da! 
We are all okay after all having a good sleep. 

All ready to go this morning we have a fun packed day lots of different activities. After breakfast our first stop is caving! 
Will check in with you all again this evening.

From Miss Davies and Mrs Roberts! 

Class 3: Kingswood Trip

We have had a fantastic first day. 
We arrived and were greeted by Sam who is looking after us throughout our stay. We were shown to our Cabin where we had to make our own beds ready for this evening. 
We had an induction and a quick team building game. We then went shelter building, we were all very proud of the shelters which were made!
We had our dinner, which was pizza or pasta and meatballs and ice cream and fruit. 
We then had a Campfire session, where we listened to a story, shared jokes, and toasted marshmallows. We are finishing this evening with a game of bingo and hopefully a good nights sleep ready for tomorrow’s activities. 
Everyone is okay, we will check in with you all tomorrow. 
From Miss Davies and Mrs Roberts. 

Class 3: Kingswood Trip

We have had a fantastic first day. 
We arrived and were greeted by Sam who is looking after us throughout our stay. We were shown to our Cabin where we had to make our own beds ready for this evening. 
We had an induction and a quick team building game. We then went shelter building, we were all very proud of the shelters which were made!
We had our dinner, which was pizza or pasta and meatballs and ice cream and fruit. 
We then had a Campfire session, where we listened to a story, shared jokes, and toasted marshmallows. We are finishing this evening with a game of bingo and hopefully a good nights sleep ready for tomorrow’s activities. 
Everyone is okay, we will check in with you all tomorrow. 
From Miss Davies and Mrs Roberts. 

Class 3: Reminder

Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope you’re all managing to stay safe today during storm Eunice.
On the 1st of March it is St David’s Day,  we will be doing activities throughout the day to celebrate and I would like to make Welsh cakes with the class. Please can you ask all pupils to check their Google Classroom accounts for the ingredients they will be required to bring in on this day and respond to acknowledge the message.
The pupils have worked exceptionally hard over the last couple of weeks learning about the Ancient Egyptians, which we will be continuing with after half term. The pupils have also produced some excellent home learning tasks which some pupils were able to share and discuss this week, with the remainder having the opportunity after half term.
The children have been busy creating a St David’s Day presentation, which will be shared on Google Classroom on the 1st of March for everyone to view.
Well done to everyone and Diolch yn fawr iawn!
I hope you all have an enjoyable half term.

Mrs Roberts

Class 3: Reminder

Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope you’re all managing to stay safe today during storm Eunice.
On the 1st of March it is St David’s Day,  we will be doing activities throughout the day to celebrate and I would like to make Welsh cakes with the class. Please can you ask all pupils to check their Google Classroom accounts for the ingredients they will be required to bring in on this day and respond to acknowledge the message.
The pupils have worked exceptionally hard over the last couple of weeks learning about the Ancient Egyptians, which we will be continuing with after half term. The pupils have also produced some excellent home learning tasks which some pupils were able to share and discuss this week, with the remainder having the opportunity after half term.
The children have been busy creating a St David’s Day presentation, which will be shared on Google Classroom on the 1st of March for everyone to view.
Well done to everyone and Diolch yn fawr iawn!
I hope you all have an enjoyable half term.

Mrs Roberts