News: Headteacher Weekly Update

Dear Parents/ Carers

As we approach the end of the first week back in school, it has been lovely to welcome all the children back. They have been truly wonderful as always, adapting to the changes in routines, washing hands regularly and ensuring they maintain social distancing whenever possible. They have enjoyed meeting their new teachers, settling into new classroom routines and catching up with their friends. We have enjoyed finding out what they have been doing over the Summer and all staff have worked hard to ensure that the children felt confident and enthusiastic about the full return to school and I thank staff for their dedication and commitment.

As parents/carers we continue to be hugely thankful for your support in ensuring that we do all that we can, to keep everyone safe and well, during these difficult times.

On that note, I cannot emphasise enough, the importance of the following information;


Procedures for illness


If any child shows any signs of illness, they will be separated from other children and will wait in the School Office supervised by a member of staff wearing PPE.Parents will be contacted immediately and will be required to collect their child immediately. Surfaces that learners or staff with symptoms have come into contact with, will be carefully and thoroughly cleaned.

Children or staff should not attend school if;



  • They feel unwell, have any of the four identified COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste or smell) or they have tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days
  • They live in a household with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.


    Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home and begin to self-isolate while making arrangements to be tested.

    Catch it, bin it, kill it.


    Tissues are available in all classrooms.

    Entry and Exit from School


    We will do our utmost to ensure that the children enter and exit the building at the allocated times. We thank you for your continued support in ensuring that pupils are dropped off and picked up at the stated times. I also ask for yoursupport, in ensuring that social distancing recommendations are maintained outside the school gate. It is important that we all remain committed to maintaining social distancing, wherever possible for the safety of all.

    Nursery: Drop off at 1 pm. Pickup at 3:15 pm.

    Reception:Drop off at 8:55. Pick up at 3;15

    Class One.(Years 1 and 2) Drop off at 8:55. Pick up at 3:10.

    Class 2 (Years 3 and 4). Drop off at 9:00 Pick up at 3:15

    Class 3.(Years 5 and 6) Drop off at 9:05. Pick up at 3:20.

    Additional Information


    P.E lessons will begin next week. A reminder that pupils should attend school in their P.E Kit on those days. Please ensure that they have appropriately warm clothing, if the weather turns colder, as they will be wearing this kit all day.



Reception; Monday

Class 1 Wednesday.

Class 2 Tuesday and Thursday

Class 3: Monday and Thursday

Please can all children (Nursery to Year 6)bring a healthy snack to school. Please note that school is not providing a snack at break-time.

Please ensure that you are only bringing necessary equipment to school. This consists of any medication (which must then be kept in school) a named drinks bottle, a coat and a packed lunch if required.

It is also important that all clothing is name labelled.

Any further questions or queries, please email school.

We wish you all a pleasant weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone again next week. Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs R Critchell


News: Headteacher Update Return to School

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope you have all had a good summer break. We are very much looking forward to welcoming children back to school next week. Please revisit the parental and pupil booklets which were sent by email and posted on the website, to ensure that you are fully aware of all necessary procedures.

Just a few reminders;

  • All children should wear school uniform next week. PE lessons will commence the week beginning 14th September. That is when all pupils should attend school in PE kit on their designated PE days.

P.E days will be as follows;

Reception; Monday

Class 1 Wednesday.

Class 2 Tuesday and Thursday

Class 3: Monday and Thursday

  • If you do not wish to access the school meal menu, then your child/children can bring in a packed lunch. However, this should be in a small container, which is easily opened by your child.
  • Only necessary equipment should be brought into school. This consists of a coat, drinks bottle, packed lunch if needed and any medication. DO NOT send large bags in to school. We will provide all the stationary that pupils need.
  • All children should bring in their own healthy snack from home. NO NUT products please.

Please ensure that you drop your child off at the allocated entrance/exit:


  • Nursery: Front pedestrian gate on arrival. Picked up from SIDE gate ( with the rest of FPH) at the end of the day.


  • Reception/ Year 1 and year 2- side gate ( entrance and exit.)
  • Years 3 and 4 ( Class 2) : Front pedestrian gate.
  • Years 5 and 6: Main car park gate.
  • Any pupils who are late arriving for school, will need to wait until all groups have accessed the school site before entering school.
  • Pupils only to access the school site please.
  • Any visits to school are specifically by prior appointment.
  • In line with current guidance, it is recommended that any child over the age of 11 wears a face mask in communal areas. This is not mandatory but parental choice. Learners should be instructed not to touch the front of their face covering during use or when removing them. They must wash their hands immediately on arrival (as is the case for all learners), dispose of temporary face coverings in a covered bin or place reusable face coverings in a plastic bag they can take home with them and then wash their hands again before heading to their classroom.

Procedures for illness


If any child shows any signs of illness, they will be separated from other children and will wait in the School Office supervised by a member of staff wearing PPE.Parents will be contacted immediately and will be required to collect their child immediately. Surfaces that learners or staff with symptoms have come into contact with, will be carefully and thoroughly cleaned.

Children or staff should not attend school if;


  • They feel unwell, have any of the four identified COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste or smell) or they have tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days
  • They live in a household with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.


    Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home and begin to self-isolate making arrangements to be tested.


    Training Day Changes


    Please note that these may still be subject to change.

    Thursday 4th September

    Friday 5th September

    Monday 4th January

    Monday 12th April

    Monday 19th July

    Tuesday 20th July

    Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. If you have any further questions or queries, please email us at school. Have a good weekend.

    Mrs R Critchell


News: End of Year Headteacher letter

Dear Parents/Carers,

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your fantastic support over the past few months. We have really been overwhelmed by the commitment and dedication of you all, from supporting your children with their home learning, to ensuring a smooth part time return to school for many pupils. The children have engaged in many different home learning opportunities and their hard work has been very evident throughout.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the staff unreservedly for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. They have been truly wonderful. Their ability to cope with the many changes to school life over the past few months has been remarkable and their commitment and care for the children of Brynford is evident for all to see. It is now time for them to take a very well earned break over the summer holidays and on behalf of everyone, I wish them an enjoyable and restful summer.

It is with mixed emotions that we say goodbye to the Year 6 pupils. This year has been very different for all and particularly challenging for them. Despite this, they have coped brilliantly with the situation and we are proud of them for their fantastic achievements and the many happy memories they have left us with. We know that they will continue to make us proud in the future, moving on to the next stage of their learning journey, with confidence and the knowledge that they will be hugely successful in their chosen paths.

It has been truly wonderful to see so many pupils back in school. We have had the chance to catch up and prepare for the autumn term and this time has been extremely valuable. The way that the children have adapted to their changed environment has been incredible to see. No fuss, lots of laughs and their usual enthusiasm for school life. It is a credit to all.

I would also like to take this opportunity, to thank Cool Kidz for running a child care facility over the summer holiday.The Welsh Assembly Government funding for child care places for key worker children ends on Friday 17th July.Cool Kidz have worked hard to put provision in place, so that childcare can be accessed by Brynford children, over the summer holiday if needed. This has been achieved in a very short timescale.

And now we move towards September. We have now received the operational guidance from Welsh Assembly Government for September and have been working through this in detail, over the past few days. What is very clear, is that the safety and well- being of all children and staff as always, is of the utmost importance. Details for school organisation for September has now been emailed to you, along with updated parental and pupil booklets. Please note that these may be subject to change.

Please be reassured that the timetable sent has been carefully considered and is one that ensures that we have the safety and well -being of ALL of our pupils and staff at the very heart of our planning.

On behalf of the Governing Body and all staff, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday. It has been an extremely challenging year and one that we will all remember for a long time to come. What is clear, is that the Brynford Community can be proud of the way they have managed these challenging times. We cannot predict future events or challenges, but what we can be confident about, is that we will meet them with a positive attitude and a strong community spirit. It is what makes Brynford School so special.

Have a lovely summer. Take care and keep safe.

Mrs. R Critchell


News: Headteacher update

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well. I would just like to reassure you all that we are here for you and your children, and we are looking forward to seeing them soon.

Our staff have continued to do an amazing job in the hub over many weeks and this has allowed key worker children to access childcare provision through the term time and holidays. I can’t thank everyone enough for their continued support.

Provision for children accessing the hub will continue from Monday 22nd June but this will now be on our school site. On behalf of all staff and pupils, I would like to thank everyone at the Holywell Hub for looking after us all so well.

School is preparing for a partial return on the 29th June. Thank you to all staff for their hard work in preparing school. I will be sending out details early next week with regards to our catch up sessions for small groups of learners.

Please find attached our parent’s booklet which we hope you will find useful. This explains our protocols and organisation. Please share these with your child/children so they know what to expect when returning for their sessions. It is also imperative that we have ‘up to date’ medical information so please complete the medical form attached and return to [email protected] as soon as possible.

I would like to thank you as parents for your continued support with the children’s learning. We have been overwhelmed by the commitment and support for our distance learning programmes which will continue over the coming weeks.

We will get through this safely and together and we are all looking forward to seeing you again.

Stay safe.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs R Critchell

doc icon Emergency-Medical-Parental-Preference.docx
doc icon Parental-Information-Handout-Return-to-School.docx

News: Headteacher update

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well. I would just like to reassure you all that we are here for you and your children, and we are looking forward to seeing them soon.

Our staff have continued to do an amazing job in the hub over many weeks and this has allowed key worker children to access childcare provision through the term time and holidays. I can’t thank everyone enough for their continued support.

Provision for children accessing the hub will continue from Monday 22nd June but this will now be on our school site. On behalf of all staff and pupils, I would like to thank everyone at the Holywell Hub for looking after us all so well.

School is preparing for a partial return on the 29th June. Thank you to all staff for their hard work in preparing school. I will be sending out details early next week with regards to our catch up sessions for small groups of learners.

Please find attached our parent’s booklet which we hope you will find useful. This explains our protocols and organisation. Please share these with your child/children so they know what to expect when returning for their sessions. It is also imperative that we have ‘up to date’ medical information so please complete the medical form attached and return to [email protected] as soon as possible.

I would like to thank you as parents for your continued support with the children’s learning. We have been overwhelmed by the commitment and support for our distance learning programmes which will continue over the coming weeks.

We will get through this safely and together and we are all looking forward to seeing you again.

Stay safe.

Yours Sincerely,

Mrs R Critchell

doc icon Emergency-Medical-Parental-Preference.docx
doc icon Parental-Information-Handout-Return-to-School.docx

News: Headteacher Update

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope that this communication finds you and your families well. On behalf of staff and Governors, I wish to thank you all, once again, for continuing to support your children with their learning, both ‘on line’ and through the use of the ‘paper based’ activities provided by the staff. A special ‘well done’ to all of the children for their hard work also.

Our staff continue to do a tremendous job, providing work for the children, responding to their questions, supporting critical workers’ children in the hub and ensuring that the children of Brynford are uppermost in their thoughts. I thank them for their dedication and commitment.

As I am sure you are aware, there is no further news at the present time, about a return school date for anyone in Wales. Please be reassured that any information received, regarding future plans for the re- opening of school, will be communicated to you, well in advance.

We are now approaching the half term break. Next week, I am asking you again, to take a well-earned break from home learning and allow the children to do the same. Staff will continue to support Critical Workers’ Children next week, in the Hub, but, similar to the Easter Holidays, they will not be setting work, over the half term break. This ensures they also have a well-earned rest, to spend precious time, with their families.

We have loved hearing about the activities the children have been doing, over the past weeks and we are all very proud of their efforts. We wish you all a safe and enjoyable half term break.

We will resume our ‘home learning’ on Monday 1st June and will continue to keep you ‘up to date’ with our regular communications, on the school website.

Thank you for your continued support.

R Critchell

News: Headteacher Update

Dear Parents/Carers

I hope that this communication finds you and your families well. On behalf of staff and Governors, I wish to thank you all, once again, for continuing to support your children with their learning, both ‘on line’ and through the use of the ‘paper based’ activities provided by the staff. A special ‘well done’ to all of the children for their hard work also.

Our staff continue to do a tremendous job, providing work for the children, responding to their questions, supporting critical workers’ children in the hub and ensuring that the children of Brynford are uppermost in their thoughts. I thank them for their dedication and commitment.

As I am sure you are aware, there is no further news at the present time, about a return school date for anyone in Wales. Please be reassured that any information received, regarding future plans for the re- opening of school, will be communicated to you, well in advance.

We are now approaching the half term break. Next week, I am asking you again, to take a well-earned break from home learning and allow the children to do the same. Staff will continue to support Critical Workers’ Children next week, in the Hub, but, similar to the Easter Holidays, they will not be setting work, over the half term break. This ensures they also have a well-earned rest, to spend precious time, with their families.

We have loved hearing about the activities the children have been doing, over the past weeks and we are all very proud of their efforts. We wish you all a safe and enjoyable half term break.

We will resume our ‘home learning’ on Monday 1st June and will continue to keep you ‘up to date’ with our regular communications, on the school website.

Thank you for your continued support.

R Critchell

News: Headteacher Update

We hope you are all keeping safe and well. Please find attached a series of links from WAG which provide some very useful advice. There is also a link for an online survey which is asking Welsh children for their opinions and views at this current time. Have a good weekend.

Test Trace Protect Strategy: Our strategy for testing the general public and tracing the spread of coronavirus

New podcast! More reassurance for parents about learning at home and how ‘school’ is happening during Covid 19. Please share!

‘Coronavirus and Me’ Wales’ young people asked about their thoughts and concerns during pandemic

10 Top Tips to support parents and carers of babies and young children at home (suitable from birth 4)

Coronavirus regulations: guidance

News: Headteacher Update

Dear Parents/ Carers

As we move towards the end of another week, we hope that you are all  staying safe and well. We wish you an enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend and hope that the weather remains kind.

Staff continue to support children in the Holywell Hub and I thank them again for their hard work and commitment. They are also keeping in regular contact with you all, posting updates for distance learning, using a range of forms. If you have any problems, or need to contact us, for further support, then please do so, using the email address; [email protected]. We are always happy to help.

We hope you enjoyed our special messages. The staff continue to think of you all and are always looking for ways to ‘stay in touch.’

Please find attached a number of links from Welsh Assembly Government that may be of interest to you. Stay safe and well everyone.

Supporting your children touse the Welsh language at home Kirsty Williams, Minister for Education

Guidance to parents and carers to support their children to use the Welsh language at home

Distance learning resources

Playful Childhoods supporting play

Accessing school and communitybased counselling: coronavirus

Online safety at home Support and resources for parents and carers

Updated School admission appeals: coronavirus (COVID19)

Education and Childcare: Coronavirus FAQs

News: Headteacher Update

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are keeping safe and well during these challenging times and that you managed to have a good rest over the Easter break. Our staff continue to do an excellent job in the Holywell Hub, supporting the children of key workers. On behalf of everyone, I wish to thank them, for their continued commitment and dedication.

As you will also be aware, staff have been keeping in touch with you all, using a range of formats; seesaw, purple mash and now Google classroom in Years 5 and 6. I thank you again, on behalf of all staff, for continuing to support your children with the work that is being set, on a weekly basis. Please do not feel ‘under pressure’ to complete all tasks. It is far more important that children do ‘some activities’ each day and then have time to be active, do jigsaws, read a book, play board games and participate in any kind of other ‘fun’ activities. They will still be learning from all of these experiences and a balance of work and play ensures everyone’s ‘well- being.’

In school, our day is ‘divided up’ into opportunities to learn in a variety of ways, both indoors and outdoors and sometimes the best type of learning does not involve writing anything down, but is simply about exploring nature or learning a new skill. All these activities, ensure that children continue to learn and develop into happy and healthy individuals.

Please look out for a special post, over the next few days, that the staff have been working on, which we hope will make you all smile. They are always thinking of you all and looking for ways to ‘keep in touch.’ A HUGE thank you to them all for participating in this and to Miss Owen who has spent many hours coordinating all their efforts. Take care everyone and stay safe.