News: IMPORTANT Consent for Flu Nasal Spray



Medi 2023

Helpwch i gadw eich plentyn yn iach y gaeaf hwn – gwnewch yn siŵr ei fod yn cael ei frechlyn ffliw.

Bydd tim imiwneiddio’r yn ymweld a’r ysgol ar ….15.12.23……………………….. i gynnig brechlyn ffliw drwy chwistell trwn i blant.

Mae’r GIG yn argymell bod eich plentyn yn cael brechiad ffliw bob blwyddyn.

Dilynwch y ddolen isod i gwblhau’r ffurflen ganiatâd erbyn. …..12pm 14.12.23…………………..

Annwyl riant neu warcheidwad,

Mae’n bwysig iawn amddiffyn eich plentyn rhag y ffliw er mwyn sicrhau ei fod yn aros mor iach â phosibl, gan fod COVID-19 a’r ffliw yn debygol o fynd ar led y gaeaf hwn. Y brechlyn ffliw gorau i’r rhan fwyaf o blant yw chwistrell trwyn. Dyma’r brechlyn a roddir ar y diwrnod.

Rydym wedi cynnwys taflen wybodaeth a ffurflen ganiatâd gyda’r llythyr hwn. Er mwyn helpu i sicrhau bod y brechlyn yn addas ar gyfer eich plentyn, ac nad yw’n colli allan, rhowch amser i ddarllen yr wybodaeth ac yna cwblhau ar-lein cyn y dyddiad brechu arfaethedig.

Os ydych eisiau cael rhagor o wybodaeth am frechu rhag y ffliw i blant, cysylltwch â tîm imiwneiddio, neu ewch i neu cliciwch ar yr atodiadau PDF.

Cadwch y llythyr hwn gan ei fod yn cynnwys dyddiad y sesiwn brechu a manylion cyswllt.

Yn gywir

Tîm Imiwneiddio

Ar ôl i chi ddychwelyd y ffurflen ganiatâd, cysylltwch â tîm imiwneiddio ar 03000 858599 cyn y sesiwn brechu os.

  • oes unrhyw newidiadau i iechyd eich plentyn, neu
  • os yw ei feddyginiaeth asthma wedi cynyddu, neu
  • os oes steroidau drwy’r geg wedi’u rhoi iddo/iddi ar bresgripsiwn, neu
  • os bydd ei frest yn gwichian.

Noder: Mae nifer bach iawn o blant na ddylent gael y brechlyn ffliw drwy’r trwyn. Gweler y daflen wybodaeth i gael rhagor o fanylion, neu edrychwch ar

September 2023

Help keep your child well this winter – make sure they have their flu vaccine.

The immunisation team will visit School on ……15.12.23……………………. to offer children a nasal spray flu vaccine.

The NHS recommends that your child has a flu vaccination every year.

Please follow the link below to complete the consent form by….12pm 14.12.23……………………..

Dear parent or guardian,

It’s very important to protect your child from flu to make sure they stay as healthy as possible, as both COVID-19 and flu are likely to circulate this winter. The best flu vaccine for most children is a nasal spray. This is the vaccine that will be given on the day. 

We have included flu vaccination information and a consent form with this letter.To help make sure the vaccine is suitable for your child, and they don’t miss out, please take time to read the information and then complete online before the planned vaccination date.

If you want more information about flu vaccination for children, please contact the immunisation team, or visit or click on the PDF attachments.

Please keep this letter, as it contains the date of the vaccination session and contact details.

Yours faithfully

Immunisation Team

After you have returned the consent form, please contact the immunisation team on 03000 858599 before the vaccination session if:

·there are any changes to your child’s health, or

·their asthma medication is increased, or

·they are prescribed oral steroids, or

·they become wheezy.

Note: There are a very small number of children who should not have the nasal flu vaccine. Please see the information sheet for more detail, or look at

pdf icon A4_Information-about-flu-vaccination-for-children-in-school_v4.pdf
pdf icon PHW-Flu-Nasal-Spray-CYP-DL-Leaflet-05.23_digital_ew.pdf
pdf icon PHW-Flu-Nasal-Spray-CYP-DL-Leaflet-05.23_digital_we.pdf