Breakfast club will not be running this morning due to the extremely icy conditions. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
NEWS: Thursday 19th December
On Thursday 19th December, ALL children can come into school in their own clothes for the last day of school. Diolch Mrs Lloyd 🎄
News: Community Event
Little reminder this Friday!!!
NEWS: School Christmas performance
Hello Everyone,
Just a message to remind everyone that costumes for our school Christmas performance will need to be in school for Monday 9th December. Children are welcome to bring them into school this coming Friday, but not before please.
Please can we also remind you that all items need to be name labelled and in a bag, name labelled also. Thank you.
Rehearsals are progressing well and the children have worked incredibly hard to learn their lines and songs too.
Thank you for your support,
The Staff of Ysgol Brynffordd.