Hello Class 2,
Just a quick message to remind you, as discussed today, Outdoor Games will be on MONDAY 18th October, next week, instead of Tuesday. Thursday will be as of normal timetable. Therefore, you will need to wear your PE kit on Monday instead of Tuesday.
Thank you, From, Mrs Shickell
Class 2
Class 2: Christmas Home Learning Challenges Week Beginning 14.12.20
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope that you are ok, and you are all staying safe. Staff have created a learning grid full of fun and festive challenges for your child to complete throughout the week. These challenges are open-ended and can be adapted to suit all ages. Appropriate resources are available to access to support these activities where necessary (see below). Please share with us what you have done through the following platforms using pictures, videos etc..-
Seesaw (Nursery, Reception, year 1 and year 2) Google Classroom(Year 3, 4, 5 and 6)
Each teacher will be maintaining communication with your child when they share completed activities. Please check in daily with your teacher to let them know how you are getting. If you have any questions or queries, please contact us through our school email [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We hope you enjoy the range of activities and we look forward to seeing you share your learning with us.
Many Thanks
Class 2: Christmas Home Learning Challenges Week Beginning 14.12.20
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope that you are ok, and you are all staying safe. Staff have created a learning grid full of fun and festive challenges for your child to complete throughout the week. These challenges are open-ended and can be adapted to suit all ages. Appropriate resources are available to access to support these activities where necessary (see below). Please share with us what you have done through the following platforms using pictures, videos etc..-
Seesaw (Nursery, Reception, year 1 and year 2) Google Classroom(Year 3, 4, 5 and 6)
Each teacher will be maintaining communication with your child when they share completed activities. Please check in daily with your teacher to let them know how you are getting. If you have any questions or queries, please contact us through our school email [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We hope you enjoy the range of activities and we look forward to seeing you share your learning with us.
Many Thanks
Class 2: Home Learning wb 20.04.20
Class 2
Hope everyone has had a relaxing Easter.
Just letting you know that I have set lots of new 2do’s on Purple Mash for you to work on.
There is the new chapter and activities for Around the World…. too!
Timmy in Trouble is nearly ready for the release of Chapter 8 update!! It’s very exciting!!
Take care everyone, I’m really enjoying reading your blogs!
Thank you, Diolch
From Mrs Shickell
Class 2: Kindness Calendar wb 6th April – 10th April
Through these times it is always good to be kind because“Everyone deserves kindness; it is essential for us to thrive”The Kindness School Foundation have created a free kindness calendar each week.
The activities are designed with a focus on pupil and family wellbeing.
Activities are structured into i) kind to me, ii) kind to others and iii) kind to the planet.
What the Kindness Calendar includes;
One activity per day
One theme per week
Links to relevant website
Please let us know if you have done any of these tasks through PurpleMash blogs or Hwb.
Class 2: Kindness Calendar
Through these times it is always good to be kind because “Everyone deserves kindness; it is essential for us to thrive” The Kindness School Foundation have created a free kindness calendar each week.
The activities are designed with a focus on pupil and family wellbeing.
Activities are structured into i) kind to me, ii) kind to others and iii) kind to the planet.
What the Kindness Calendar includes;
One activity per day
One theme per week
Links to relevant website
This week’s theme is: LOOKING AFTER OURSELVES
We will post a new calendar each week.
Please let us know if you have done any of these tasks through PurpleMash blogs or Hwb.
Class 2: Online Work Update
Bore Da!
We hope you are all well. It has been lovely to see some of you getting on with PurpleMash 2dos, and we have enjoyed hearing from some of you on our PurpleMash class blogs.
If you haven’t already, then please log onto PurpleMash and have a look at the 2dos that have been set. Also, we would love to hear about what you have been up to using the class blogs.
Many thanks,
from all your teachers
Class 2: Purplemash Blog Information
Please see attached ‘PurpleMash blog information’ to allow you access to individual Class blogs where we will be able to communicate any information or answer work queries. Please note that posts will be answered/approved during normal working school day hours. Thank you for your support.
Welcome to our brand new website!
We hope you like our brand new website which we hope will help us keep you up-to-date with what’s going on in school. Please make sure you sign up to our email alerts (in the sidebar on the right) and you can also subscribe to our calendar to see the school’s events alongside your own.
Watch this space for more!