Today we performed our Harvest festival class contribution for the Nursery and Reception children. We were able to share our learning from the story, Pumpkin soup and talk about how we used fruit and vegetables harvested by the farmer to make our own bowl of tasty pumpkin soup. We also sang the songs ‘Dail ar y coed yn newid lliw’ and ‘Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow’. A video of the Class 1 performance is available to Class 1 parents to watch via your child’s Seesaw journal. We hope you enjoy!
Class 1
Class 1: Home learning update
Dear Class 1,
Thank you for all the wonderful work submitted via Seesaw last week. The standard of completed tasks has been a joy to see. You should be extremely proud of yourselves.
This week we will continue to set three daily activities with additional health and well-being tasks being set throughout the week to give you time to relax and have some fun.
Keep up with your reading and the phonics games on offer through Phonics Play.
If you have any questions or need support with any of the activities. please ask and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Take care,
Mrs Parry and Mrs Tomlinson
Class 1: Home learning update
Thank you very much for all your hard work last week. The work coming through has been lovely to see and we look forward to another busy week.
Once again, we will set you three activities to complete each day. Remember to login and upload pictures/ videos of the activities you complete to your Seesaw journal. Feedback will be provided throughout the week. In addition to these activities, please keep reading as much as possible at home. The Oxford Owl ebook library offers a range of choice, including titles which we have in school.
If there is anything you require support or further guidance with, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Many thanks
Mrs Parry and Mrs Tomlinson
Class 1: Home learning update
Hello everyone,
Happy New Year! We hope you had a relaxing Christmas at home with your families and that you are keeping safe and well.
We can’t wait to hear about your Christmas holidays and seeing and sharing your online learning with you on Seesaw.
Each day, we will set you three activities to complete. Please login and check in with us on a regular basis by uploading pictures/ videos of your completed work. We will keep in contact with you on Seesaw, offer feedback and see how you are getting on with the set activities.
If there is anything you require support or further guidance with, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Many thanks
Mrs Parry and Mrs Tomlinson
Class 1: Christmas Home Learning Challenges Week Beginning 14.12.20
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We hope that you are ok, and you are all staying safe. Staff have created a learning grid full of fun and festive challenges for your child to complete throughout the week. These challenges are open-ended and can be adapted to suit all ages. Appropriate resources are available to access to support these activities where necessary (see below). Please share with us what you have done through the following platforms using pictures, videos etc..-
Seesaw(Nursery, Reception, year 1 and year 2) Google Classroom(Year 3, 4, 5 and 6)
Each teacher will be maintaining communication with your child when they share completed activities. Please check in daily with your teacher to let them know how you are getting. If you have any questions or queries, please contact us through our school email [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We hope you enjoy the range of activities and we look forward to seeing you share your learning with us.
Many Thanks
Class 1: Home learning week beginning 8th December
Hello Class 1 parent/guardians,
I hope you are all well and that you are keeping safe.
During this time away from school I will besetting activities for your child to complete via the digital learning platform, Seesaw.
I will use Seesaw to maintain communication with your child and to share learning activities and resources. Activities will be a combination of independent and adult guided activities/experiences which I will specify in the description of the activity. Please check in on a daily basis to let me know how you are getting on.
Seesaw login codes have been sent directly to parent/guardian emails so please check those in order to login and start accessing the online learning.
If you have any questions please contact me via Seesaw and will respond as soon as possible.
Many thanks Mrs Parry
Class 1: Year 2 End of Foundation Phase celebration video
Dear Parents/ Guardians of Year 2 children,
We are proud to share with you a video of the Year 2 children, who are making the transition from Foundation Phase into Juniors. Their learning journey is one which has been filled with learning and laughter. It has been a pleasure to see them grow in character and confidence during their Foundation Phase years and we hope the video helps spark and capture just some of the fond memories they have created as a group of friends.
To access the video logon to seesaw using your child’s 12 letter code. Go to the activities section and select ‘Year 2 End of Foundation Phase video’.
Please be aware this video is for home use only and no part of it can be shared on social media as it could put children at risk.
We want this to be a celebration of their learning so feel free to incorporate your own ideas to make this into an occasion at home. A little bit of singing and dancing always adds to an event! Please share any photographs with us on Seesaw of your celebrations.
We hope you enjoy this video as much as we did in pulling it together. Thank you for your photo contributions.
If you encounter any problems accessing the video, please contact the school before Friday 17th July.
Keep safe. Keep smiling
Mrs Parry and Mrs Tomlinson
Class 1: Home learning challenge grid week beginning 13th July 2020
Hi everyone,
Thank you for all your hard work with your online learning over the past 14 weeks. It has been a time of challenge but one we will hopefully all look back on with memories we can smile about.
Please find attached your home learning challenge grid for week beginning 13th July. This gives detail of activities for this week and ways to keep your skills going over the summer holidays.
As always, if you require further support with any of the tasks set please get in touch.
We would like to wish you an enjoyable summer break. Stay safe and have fun making memories as a family.
Take care.
Mrs Parry and Mrs Tomlinson
Class 1: Home learning challenge grid week beginning 13th July 2020
Hi everyone,
Thank you for all your hard work with your online learning over the past 14 weeks. It has been a time of challenge but one we will hopefully all look back on with memories we can smile about.
Please find attached your home learning challenge grid for week beginning 13th July. This gives detail of activities for this week and ways to keep your skills going over the summer holidays.
As always, if you require further support with any of the tasks set please get in touch.
We would like to wish you an enjoyable summer break. Stay safe and have fun making memories as a family.
Take care.
Mrs Parry and Mrs Tomlinson