Class 1: Home learning challenge grid week beginning 15th June 2020


We hope you are all keeping active and well. The weather has turned, bringing us a mixture of sunshine, rain and thunderstorms. Your science challenge this week is to use your senses to explore the rain. You could get busy making your own musical instrument or practice some bear breathing to help you relax.

It has been another busy week on Seesaw and Purple Mash, thank you for sharing your learning with us. Keep us updated with any news from home, it is lovely to see and hear about what is going on during this time away from school.

Please find attached your home learning grid for the week beginning 15th June. If you need support or guidance with any of the tasks, please get in touch.

Keep safe, keep smiling.

Mrs Parry and Mrs Tomlinson

pdf icon Home-learning-journey-challenges-week-beg-15.06.20.pdf