Class 3: Home Learning update

Good morning Class 3,

Thank you once again for your continued hard work

completing the home learning activities, you are all 

doing a fantastic job!

It is just one more week now before school opens

for your check in and catch up sessions. The staff

and my-self are all looking forward to your return 

and have been busy preparing school. Your parents 

have received a booklet about changes and routines 

to expect when you return to school, if you can, try 

to have a look before your check in and catch up 


I have set more activities on Purple Mash for you 

this week, please look daily and try to complete as 

many as possible. Read the descriptions carefully 

for each task as I have added extra information to 

help you complete them.

Thank you to everyone who has started their home

learning activities, based on what lives in the 

Rainforest. I have attached a copy of the activities

set last week for you to review again. Please try to 

complete by Friday and continue logging your activity

on the Get Set website, for the Travel to Tokyo 


If you have any questions or require support 

please send me an email via Purple Mash or Hwb.

Take Care and Stay Safe!


Mrs Roberts