News: Headteacher Update Return to School

Dear Parents/Carers,

We hope you have all had a good summer break. We are very much looking forward to welcoming children back to school next week. Please revisit the parental and pupil booklets which were sent by email and posted on the website, to ensure that you are fully aware of all necessary procedures.

Just a few reminders;

  • All children should wear school uniform next week. PE lessons will commence the week beginning 14th September. That is when all pupils should attend school in PE kit on their designated PE days.

P.E days will be as follows;

Reception; Monday

Class 1 Wednesday.

Class 2 Tuesday and Thursday

Class 3: Monday and Thursday

  • If you do not wish to access the school meal menu, then your child/children can bring in a packed lunch. However, this should be in a small container, which is easily opened by your child.
  • Only necessary equipment should be brought into school. This consists of a coat, drinks bottle, packed lunch if needed and any medication. DO NOT send large bags in to school. We will provide all the stationary that pupils need.
  • All children should bring in their own healthy snack from home. NO NUT products please.

Please ensure that you drop your child off at the allocated entrance/exit:


  • Nursery: Front pedestrian gate on arrival. Picked up from SIDE gate ( with the rest of FPH) at the end of the day.


  • Reception/ Year 1 and year 2- side gate ( entrance and exit.)
  • Years 3 and 4 ( Class 2) : Front pedestrian gate.
  • Years 5 and 6: Main car park gate.
  • Any pupils who are late arriving for school, will need to wait until all groups have accessed the school site before entering school.
  • Pupils only to access the school site please.
  • Any visits to school are specifically by prior appointment.
  • In line with current guidance, it is recommended that any child over the age of 11 wears a face mask in communal areas. This is not mandatory but parental choice. Learners should be instructed not to touch the front of their face covering during use or when removing them. They must wash their hands immediately on arrival (as is the case for all learners), dispose of temporary face coverings in a covered bin or place reusable face coverings in a plastic bag they can take home with them and then wash their hands again before heading to their classroom.

Procedures for illness


If any child shows any signs of illness, they will be separated from other children and will wait in the School Office supervised by a member of staff wearing PPE.Parents will be contacted immediately and will be required to collect their child immediately. Surfaces that learners or staff with symptoms have come into contact with, will be carefully and thoroughly cleaned.

Children or staff should not attend school if;


  • They feel unwell, have any of the four identified COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste or smell) or they have tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days
  • They live in a household with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.


    Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home and begin to self-isolate making arrangements to be tested.


    Training Day Changes


    Please note that these may still be subject to change.

    Thursday 4th September

    Friday 5th September

    Monday 4th January

    Monday 12th April

    Monday 19th July

    Tuesday 20th July

    Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. If you have any further questions or queries, please email us at school. Have a good weekend.

    Mrs R Critchell
