News: Headteacher Weekly Update

Dear Parents/ Carers

As we approach the end of the first week back in school, it has been lovely to welcome all the children back. They have been truly wonderful as always, adapting to the changes in routines, washing hands regularly and ensuring they maintain social distancing whenever possible. They have enjoyed meeting their new teachers, settling into new classroom routines and catching up with their friends. We have enjoyed finding out what they have been doing over the Summer and all staff have worked hard to ensure that the children felt confident and enthusiastic about the full return to school and I thank staff for their dedication and commitment.

As parents/carers we continue to be hugely thankful for your support in ensuring that we do all that we can, to keep everyone safe and well, during these difficult times.

On that note, I cannot emphasise enough, the importance of the following information;


Procedures for illness


If any child shows any signs of illness, they will be separated from other children and will wait in the School Office supervised by a member of staff wearing PPE.Parents will be contacted immediately and will be required to collect their child immediately. Surfaces that learners or staff with symptoms have come into contact with, will be carefully and thoroughly cleaned.

Children or staff should not attend school if;



  • They feel unwell, have any of the four identified COVID-19 symptoms (a new continuous cough, a high temperature or loss of taste or smell) or they have tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days
  • They live in a household with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.


    Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19 should stay at home and begin to self-isolate while making arrangements to be tested.

    Catch it, bin it, kill it.


    Tissues are available in all classrooms.

    Entry and Exit from School


    We will do our utmost to ensure that the children enter and exit the building at the allocated times. We thank you for your continued support in ensuring that pupils are dropped off and picked up at the stated times. I also ask for yoursupport, in ensuring that social distancing recommendations are maintained outside the school gate. It is important that we all remain committed to maintaining social distancing, wherever possible for the safety of all.

    Nursery: Drop off at 1 pm. Pickup at 3:15 pm.

    Reception:Drop off at 8:55. Pick up at 3;15

    Class One.(Years 1 and 2) Drop off at 8:55. Pick up at 3:10.

    Class 2 (Years 3 and 4). Drop off at 9:00 Pick up at 3:15

    Class 3.(Years 5 and 6) Drop off at 9:05. Pick up at 3:20.

    Additional Information


    P.E lessons will begin next week. A reminder that pupils should attend school in their P.E Kit on those days. Please ensure that they have appropriately warm clothing, if the weather turns colder, as they will be wearing this kit all day.



Reception; Monday

Class 1 Wednesday.

Class 2 Tuesday and Thursday

Class 3: Monday and Thursday

Please can all children (Nursery to Year 6)bring a healthy snack to school. Please note that school is not providing a snack at break-time.

Please ensure that you are only bringing necessary equipment to school. This consists of any medication (which must then be kept in school) a named drinks bottle, a coat and a packed lunch if required.

It is also important that all clothing is name labelled.

Any further questions or queries, please email school.

We wish you all a pleasant weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone again next week. Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs R Critchell
