News: Headteacher Update

Dear Parents/ Carers

As we move towards the end of another week, we hope that you are all  staying safe and well. We wish you an enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend and hope that the weather remains kind.

Staff continue to support children in the Holywell Hub and I thank them again for their hard work and commitment. They are also keeping in regular contact with you all, posting updates for distance learning, using a range of forms. If you have any problems, or need to contact us, for further support, then please do so, using the email address; [email protected]. We are always happy to help.

We hope you enjoyed our special messages. The staff continue to think of you all and are always looking for ways to ‘stay in touch.’

Please find attached a number of links from Welsh Assembly Government that may be of interest to you. Stay safe and well everyone.

Supporting your children touse the Welsh language at home Kirsty Williams, Minister for Education

Guidance to parents and carers to support their children to use the Welsh language at home

Distance learning resources

Playful Childhoods supporting play

Accessing school and communitybased counselling: coronavirus

Online safety at home Support and resources for parents and carers

Updated School admission appeals: coronavirus (COVID19)

Education and Childcare: Coronavirus FAQs

News: Headteacher Update

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you are keeping safe and well during these challenging times and that you managed to have a good rest over the Easter break. Our staff continue to do an excellent job in the Holywell Hub, supporting the children of key workers. On behalf of everyone, I wish to thank them, for their continued commitment and dedication.

As you will also be aware, staff have been keeping in touch with you all, using a range of formats; seesaw, purple mash and now Google classroom in Years 5 and 6. I thank you again, on behalf of all staff, for continuing to support your children with the work that is being set, on a weekly basis. Please do not feel ‘under pressure’ to complete all tasks. It is far more important that children do ‘some activities’ each day and then have time to be active, do jigsaws, read a book, play board games and participate in any kind of other ‘fun’ activities. They will still be learning from all of these experiences and a balance of work and play ensures everyone’s ‘well- being.’

In school, our day is ‘divided up’ into opportunities to learn in a variety of ways, both indoors and outdoors and sometimes the best type of learning does not involve writing anything down, but is simply about exploring nature or learning a new skill. All these activities, ensure that children continue to learn and develop into happy and healthy individuals.

Please look out for a special post, over the next few days, that the staff have been working on, which we hope will make you all smile. They are always thinking of you all and looking for ways to ‘keep in touch.’ A HUGE thank you to them all for participating in this and to Miss Owen who has spent many hours coordinating all their efforts. Take care everyone and stay safe.

News: Easter Update

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Firstly, a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who has supported their children over the past two weeks with their home learning. We have been overwhelmed by the commitment and support you have provided, during these challenging times.

Our staff have continued to do an amazing job, providing work for the children, responding to their questions, supporting critical workers’ children in the hub and ensuring that they continue to put the children of Brynford first, during these unprecedented times. On behalf of everyone, I wish to THANK THEM for being brilliant!

It seems strange to say that we are now approaching the Easter holidays. Despite everything, the Easter break should be exactly that, for all children, staff and parents; a break from home learning, an opportunity to spend quality time with the people that you love (whether that be in person, or through social media.) So I ask that you suspend your children’s home learning for the next two weeks. This ensures everyone has a well earned rest.

I have asked staff to do the same. They are doing an incredible job, supporting the HUB, giving up their family time, to provide support for the critical workers, who so rightly, need our help at this time. So staff will not be responding to home learning queries, or setting work for the next two weeks and I ask for your support in ensuring they have this well- deserved break.The well- being of all, is of paramount importance. By continuing to support each other as a community, we will emerge from these events, stronger and more resilient.

I am in awe of everyone’s commitment, dedication and support. Keep safe and well everyone.We will be in contact again after the Easter break. Thank you.

Rachel Critchell.


News: Free School Meals Week commencing Mon 30th March

Pupils in receipt of free school meals will have a packed lunch delivered to their door from next week until further notice. This service is provided by NEWydd Catering and Cleaning in partnership with FCC and is delivered in place of the usual school meals provided.  Please ensure that you read the food allergy advice information on the food packaging to avoid any food intolerances. Please note that these are interim arrangements and as arrangements change we will let you know. If parents have any enquiries or concerns, please contact FCC on 01352 752121 or email [email protected] All pupils entitled to free school meals will have a delivery direct to their home. There is no requirement for pupils to be visiting their schools or the site hubs.

News: Coronavirus School Closure

We have just received confirmation that schools in Wales will close by Friday 20th March. Please continue to check the website. We will update you, as and when, further information is received. Thank you

News: URDD EISTEDDFOD – cancelled

We have just received notification from the Urdd, that due to the current situation in Wales, all local and Regional Eisteddfodau have been cancelled with immediate effect. 

Rachel Critchell


Brynford School

01352 713184


The FOBS Easter Bingo Event has been cancelled. We will still be holding a Non Uniform Day on Friday and ask for voluntary donations of £1 to fund raise for the children in our school. Please DO NOT send in Easter Eggs on Friday. The FOBS meeting on Tuesday 17th March has been postponed. 

News: Latest Advice on Coronavirus

Please follow the latest advice and self isolate if you or your child display flu like symptoms or develop a new persistent cough and/or high temperature. If you display any of these symptoms please do not come to school but advise the school of the absence by e mail or phone.
For the latest information from Public Health Wales visit the following link

Latest information on Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Public Health Wales See our latest statement on the Public Health Wales response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Public Health Wales is working closely with the Welsh Government and the other UK public health agencies to carefully monitor the situation in China and implement our planned response, with measures in place to protect the health of the public.

This website is updated regularly. Thank you for your continued support.