News: Transition Resources

Adnoddau trawsnewid ysgol i deuluoedd     Annwyl Bennaeth,   Yn ddiweddar mae Solihull Approach wedi lansio cwrs ar-lein newydd i helpu teuluoedd wrth i’w plant drawsnewid o gyfnod:-  

  • Cyn-ysgol i’r Ysgol Gynradd

  Mae’r cyfnodau yma’n gallu golygu newid mawr i blant, a’u rhieni neu ofalwyr. Mae ofnau a phryderon yn gyffredin yn ogystal â chyffro, fel gyda phob cam o ddatblygiad plentyndod.   Rydym yn cydnabod fod gan rieni rôl bwysig i helpu eu plant i ymdopi yn ystod y cyfnodau yma. Felly, yn yr wythnos olaf cyn  i’r Ysgol gau am yr haf, gofynnwn yn garedig i chi hyrwyddo’r cyrsiau arlein Solihull Approach i gefnogi rhieni dros gwyliau’r haf trwy’r linc yma: 

Moving up

a nodi’r côd ‘NWSOL’ sy’n rhoi mynediad am ddim.   Gweler hefyd yr atodiad sy’n cynnwys delweddau y gallwch eu rhannu ar eich gwefan a’ch tudalennau cyfryngau cymdeithasol.   Os oes gennych unryw gwestiwn, sylw neu adborth ynglyn a’r adnoddau yma, mae croeso i chi gysylltu gyda ni [email protected]   Gyda dymuniadau gorau i chi a’ch staff dros gyfnod o seibiant dros y gwyliau’r haf.   Cofion cynnes,   Tîm Solihull Approach Gogledd Cymru Tîm Iechyd Cyhoeddus BIPBC  

School transition resources for families     Dear Head teacher,   Solihull Approach has recently launched a new online course to help families as their children transition from period:-   • Preschool to Primary School   These periods can mean big change for children, and their parents or carers. Fears and worries are common as well as excitement, as with all stages of childhood development.   We recognise that parents have an important role in helping their children cope during these times. Therefore, in the final week before the School closes for the summer, we kindly ask you to promote the Solihull Approach online courses to support parents over the summer holidays via this link: 

Moving up

, and entering the code ‘NWSOL’ which gives free entry.   See also the attachment that includes visuals you can share on your website and social media pages.   If you have any question, comment or feedback regarding these resources, please do not hesitate to contact us [email protected]   With best wishes to you and your staff over the summer break period.   Kind regards,   North Wales Solihull Approach Team BCUHB Public Health Team

Adnoddau trawsnewid ysgol i deuluoedd     Annwyl Bennaeth,   Yn ddiweddar mae Solihull Approach wedi lansio cyrsiau ar-lein newydd i helpu teuluoedd wrth i’w plant drawsnewid o gyfnod:-

  • Ysgol Gynradd i’r Ysgol Uwchradd

  Mae’r cyfnodau yma’n gallu golygu newid mawr i blant, a’u rhieni neu ofalwyr. Mae ofnau a phryderon yn gyffredin yn ogystal â chyffro, fel gyda phob cam o ddatblygiad plentyndod.   Rydym yn cydnabod fod gan rieni rôl bwysig i helpu eu plant i ymdopi yn ystod y cyfnodau yma. Felly, yn yr wythnos olaf cyn  i’r Ysgol gau am yr haf, gofynnwn yn garedig i chi hyrwyddo’r cyrsiau arlein Solihull Approach i gefnogi rhieni dros gwyliau’r haf trwy’r linc yma:

Moving up

, a nodi’r côd ‘NWSOL’ sy’n rhoi mynediad am ddim.   Gweler hefyd yr atodiad sy’n cynnwys delweddau y gallwch eu rhannu ar eich gwefan a’ch tudalennau cyfryngau cymdeithasol.   Os oes gennych unryw gwestiwn, sylw neu adborth ynglyn a’r adnoddau yma, mae croeso i chi gysylltu gyda ni [email protected]   Gyda dymuniadau gorau i chi a’ch staff dros gyfnod o seibiant dros y gwyliau’r haf.   Cofion cynnes,   Tîm Solihull Approach Gogledd Cymru Tîm Iechyd Cyhoeddus BIPBC  

School transition resources for families     Dear Head teacher,   Solihull Approach has recently launched new online courses to help families as their children transition from period:- • Primary to High School   These periods can mean big change for children, and their parents or carers. Fears and worries are common as well as excitement, as with all stages of childhood development.   We recognise that parents have an important role in helping their children cope during these times. Therefore, in the final week before the School closes for the summer, we kindly ask you to promote the Solihull Approach online courses to support parents over the summer holidays via this link:

Moving up

, and entering the code ‘NWSOL’ which gives free entry.   See also the attachment that includes visuals you can share on your website and social media pages.   If you have any question, comment or feedback regarding these resources, please do not hesitate to contact us [email protected]   With best wishes to you and your staff over the summer break period.   Kind regards,   North Wales Solihull Approach Team BCUHB Public Health Team

News: Free School Meals

Eligible families to receive Free School Meals summer payment Thousands of Flintshire families will receive financial help towards their food bills during the summer holidays. Children eligible for free school meals during term-time are entitled to £50 per eligible child in a bid from Flintshire County Council to alleviate food poverty during the school break. The Council stepped in and agreed to provide the financial assistance after the Welsh Government scheme to provide a direct payment, vouchers or food to families facing financial difficulties during the school holidays was closed in June 2023. Up to around 5,000 pupils will benefit from the payment which will be paid to parents/carers in two instalments. The first payment of £25 will be processed the week beginning July 22 and the second £25 will be paid the week beginning August 12. Parents/carers do not need to apply for this payment. Payment will be made automatically, directly to bank accounts for parents/carers of all children that are either eligible for Free School Meals (eFSM) or that are receiving eFSM under Transitional Protection. Cabinet member for Education, Councillor Mared Eastwood, said: “As a Council we are aware of the ever-increasing burden of the cost of living on our communities and want to help relieve some of the strain on household budgets. Following the withdrawal of the Welsh Government scheme, the Council stepped in to provide this payment at a time when the budget is already stretched. We are committed to lobbying Welsh Government to support the families who need it most.”

NEWS: Wednesday 17th July activities

Hello Everyone,
Just a message to remind Classes 1,2 and 3 that we are having our activity day and party on 17th July.
Children are more than welcome to wear their “own clothes” however, trainers will be required by junior learners for our Interhouse rounders tournament in the morning- weather permitting!!!
Let’s hope the weather is kind so we can enjoy the outdoors these last few days of this Summer term. Diolch yn fawr.