Anyone wishing to book Breakfast Club next week please email school by 1pm.
News: Survey for Completion
Please could parents / guardians complete the survey regarding home learning using the following link.
News: Estyn Survey
Dear Parents,
Estyn are currently conducting a survey: “a review of approaches in education due to Covid-19 disruption.” Please find enclosed the link to this survey.
News: Breakfast Club
Just a reminder all bookings for breakfast club need to be emailed to school by 1pm today.
News: Update on Proposed Building Improvements from the Chair of Governors
Please find attached a letter from the Chair of Governors.
News: Update on Proposed Building Improvements from the Chair of Governors
Please find attached a letter from the Chair of Governors.
News: Aura Libraries
Please find the link to Aura Libraries welcome back information.
News: Aura Libraries
Please find the link to Aura Libraries welcome back information.
News: Breakfast Club
Just a quick reminder that any bookings for next week’s breakfast club need to be emailed to school by 1pm.