News: German Club

Apologies for the short notice, but there will be no German club after school tomorrow (1st December 2021).


Mrs Roberts

NEWS: Class 2

Hello Class 2,
Just a little reminder…as discussed today, please remember to bring a change of footwear tomorrow – Tuesday 30th November,  as we will be working outdoors in our Forest School area. 
Let us hope that the weather is favourable, Diolch, From, Mrs Shickell

News: School Christmas Dinner Menu

Please find attached the school Christmas Dinner Menu.  Our Christmas Dinner is on the 8th December 2021.  Thank you to those who have returned their slips.  Could anyone else wishing to have a Christmas Dinner in school please return their slips as soon as possible.  Thank you for your support.

pdf icon Newydd-Christmas-Menu.pdf

News: Information

I run the local dance school and wondered if you would be able to email out the attached flier to your school parents? It is offering a free trial class with us.

At Dancing Gemz we are keen to offer a friendly welcoming environment for pupils to not only learn to dance but to help them live a healthier lifestyle, build confidence and develop friendships

Many thanks
Dancing Gemz

pdf icon Bright-Pink-and-Orange-Giveaway-Facebook-Post-Flyer.pdf

News: Holywell Lights Switch on

Good afternoon all,

Please see attached our line up for the Christmas lights switch on for Holywell on Friday. There will also be a YouTube video available including performances from the local kids, from 7pm that evening. (should be able to be found by searching Holywell Town Council on YouTube or checking our Facebook Page for the link.)

Thank you very much and sorry for the late information.

Kind Regards,

Collette Lowry

Support Officer


News: Eco Club

Notification to all parents/guardians that due to staff absence Eco Club will not be running after school today.

News: Ways to be Kind Online

Kindness is more important today than it has ever been. The isolation of the last year has underlined how little acts of consideration can break down barriers and brighten the lives of the people around us. This is one of the reasons, that ‘One Kind Word’ has been chosen as the theme of Anti-Bullying Week taking place from 15 to 19 of November 2021. (taken from

As well as knowing the importance of showing kindness offline, we all need to remember the importance of showing kindness online. Here are a few ways we can show it. Please share this document with your child/children where appropriate. 
Please remember, online communication is great. But it will never take away from the feeling of seeing and speaking to someone face to face. Take time to show kindness and to check in. ❤️

pdf icon Ways-to-be-kind-online.pdf