Dear Parents/ Guardians of Year 2 children,
We are proud to share with you a video of the Year 2 children, who are making the transition from Foundation Phase into Juniors. Their learning journey is one which has been filled with learning and laughter. It has been a pleasure to see them grow in character and confidence during their Foundation Phase years and we hope the video helps spark and capture just some of the fond memories they have created as a group of friends.
To access the video logon to seesaw using your child’s 12 letter code. Go to the activities section and select ‘Year 2 End of Foundation Phase video’.
Please be aware this video is for home use only and no part of it can be shared on social media as it could put children at risk.
We want this to be a celebration of their learning so feel free to incorporate your own ideas to make this into an occasion at home. A little bit of singing and dancing always adds to an event! Please share any photographs with us on Seesaw of your celebrations.
We hope you enjoy this video as much as we did in pulling it together. Thank you for your photo contributions.
If you encounter any problems accessing the video, please contact the school before Friday 17th July.
Keep safe. Keep smiling
Mrs Parry and Mrs Tomlinson