Class 3: Online Learning Update

Bore Da!
We hope you are all well. It has been lovely to see some of you getting on with PurpleMash 2dos, and we have enjoyed hearing from some of you on our PurpleMash class blogs.
If you haven’t already, then please log onto PurpleMash and have a look at the 2dos that have been set. Also, we would love to hear about what you have been up to using the class blogs. 
Many thanks,
from all your teachers

Class 3: Purplemash Blog Information

Please see attached ‘PurpleMash blog information’ to allow you access to individual Class blogs where we will be able to communicate any information or answer work queries. Please note that posts will be answered/approved during normal  working school day hours. Thank you for your support.

pdf icon Purplemash-blog-Information.pdf