Class 3: Home learning activities week beginning 29th June 2020

Hello All,
It will be great to see some of you back in school next week and I’m looking forward to catching up with you all over the next  couple of weeks.
Thank you once again for your continued hard work and well done for completing the home learning activities.
As there will be pupils still working from home, I have uploaded activities on Purple Mash as normal but extended the time to complete them, to cater for those pupils who will  be in school on different days.
In addition, I have attached a new learning grid that can be  completed over the next two weeks. The focus for this grid is deforestation in Rainforests. There are a range of activities to complete, which I hope you will enjoy doing.
If you need any support, please email me through Hwb or  Purple Mash.
Take Care and Stay Safe!
Mrs Roberts

doc icon Rainforest-Home-learning-activities-29-6-20.docx
pdf icon Deforestation-Reading-comprehension-Blue.pdf
pdf icon ni2-g-31-the-effects-of-deforestation-in-the-amazon-rainforest-writing-activity-sheet_ver_2.pdf
doc icon Rainforest-Problem-Solving-using-fractions.docx
pdf icon Save-our-RainForest-tshirt-template.pdf

Class 3: Home Learning update

Good morning Class 3,

Thank you once again for your continued hard work

completing the home learning activities, you are all 

doing a fantastic job!

It is just one more week now before school opens

for your check in and catch up sessions. The staff

and my-self are all looking forward to your return 

and have been busy preparing school. Your parents 

have received a booklet about changes and routines 

to expect when you return to school, if you can, try 

to have a look before your check in and catch up 


I have set more activities on Purple Mash for you 

this week, please look daily and try to complete as 

many as possible. Read the descriptions carefully 

for each task as I have added extra information to 

help you complete them.

Thank you to everyone who has started their home

learning activities, based on what lives in the 

Rainforest. I have attached a copy of the activities

set last week for you to review again. Please try to 

complete by Friday and continue logging your activity

on the Get Set website, for the Travel to Tokyo 


If you have any questions or require support 

please send me an email via Purple Mash or Hwb.

Take Care and Stay Safe!


Mrs Roberts

Class 3: Home Learning update

Good morning Class 3,

Thank you once again for your continued hard work

completing the home learning activities, you are all 

doing a fantastic job!

It is just one more week now before school opens

for your check in and catch up sessions. The staff

and my-self are all looking forward to your return 

and have been busy preparing school. Your parents 

have received a booklet about changes and routines 

to expect when you return to school, if you can, try 

to have a look before your check in and catch up 


I have set more activities on Purple Mash for you 

this week, please look daily and try to complete as 

many as possible. Read the descriptions carefully 

for each task as I have added extra information to 

help you complete them.

Thank you to everyone who has started their home

learning activities, based on what lives in the 

Rainforest. I have attached a copy of the activities

set last week for you to review again. Please try to 

complete by Friday and continue logging your activity

on the Get Set website, for the Travel to Tokyo 


If you have any questions or require support 

please send me an email via Purple Mash or Hwb.

Take Care and Stay Safe!


Mrs Roberts

doc icon Rainforest-Home-learning-activities-15-8-20.docx

Class 3: Home learning activities week beginning 15th June 2020

Good morning Class 3,
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend  with your families and managed to dodge the rain but enjoyed the sunshine.
You will be continuing researching about Rainforests, with this weeks theme linked to what and who lives in Rainforests?
Keep up the good work everyone.  I have been really impressed with the work you have done so far, but remember to make time to have fun and be active.
Please find attached the home learning grid for week beginning 15th June 2020.  You have two weeks to complete the activities, hand in by Friday 27th June 2020. Additional resources have been uploaded to Purple Mash and Google Classroom to help complete the tasks.
If you have any questions or require any support please email me at [email protected]

Take Care and Stay Safe!

Mrs Roberts

doc icon Rainforest-Home-learning-activities-15-8-20.docx

Class 3: Home learning activities week beginning 15th June 2020

Good morning Class 3,
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend  with your families and managed to dodge the rain but enjoyed the sunshine.
You will be continuing researching about Rainforests, with this weeks theme linked to what and who lives in Rainforests?
Keep up the good work everyone.  I have been really impressed with the work you have done so far, but remember to make time to have fun and be active.
Please find attached the home learning grid for week beginning 15th June 2020.  You have two weeks to complete the activities, hand in by Friday 27th June 2020. Additional resources have been uploaded to Purple Mash and Google Classroom to help complete the tasks.
If you have any questions or require any support please email me at [email protected]

Take Care and Stay Safe!

Mrs Roberts

doc icon Rainforest-Home-learning-activities-15-8-20.docx

Class 3: Home Learning tasks week beginning 1st June 2020

Good morning Class 3,
I hope you have all enjoyed half term with  your families and taken advantage of the beautiful weather.
Please find attached the home learning grid for the week beginning 1st June 2020. If you have any questions or require any support please email me.
Please can I also request that all year 6 parents  email me with details for the year 6 Leaver’s  Hoodies so that I can order them. Thank you for  all responses and your support.
Take Care and Stay Safe!
Mrs Roberts

doc icon Rainforest-Home-learning-activities-1-6-20.docx
doc icon Rainfall-in-Brazil-and-Cardiff.docx
pdf icon Animal-Fact-File-Activity.pdf

Class 3: Learn to Love Nature Challenge

Dear Parents,
Please find attached details I have  received today from the World Wild  Fund for Nature (WWF)about a new   way to learn about the natural world. 
This could be an activity that the whole family could take part in or something for just your child.
Either way this is optional and hopefully fun!

Take care and Stay Safe!


Mrs Roberts

doc icon Learn-to-love-Nature-Information-letter.docx

Class 3: Rainforest Home Learning Activities

Good Morning All,
I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend and for some even participated in the 75th Anniversary VE Day celebrations.  I have enjoyed viewing work completed related to VE Day and continue to be impressed with the activities pupils are accessing on purple Mash and Google Classroom. I appreciate all your hard work – Da iawn pawb!
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be attaching Home Learning activities linked to the topic ‘Rainforests’. The pupils will have the next two weeks to complete the attached activities along with the continued tasks I will be setting on Purple Mash. Please ask pupils to regularly check their 2do activities.
If you have any questions relating to the Home learning activities, please contact me via Hwb or Purple Mash email.
Take care and Stay Safe!
Mrs Roberts

doc icon Rainforest-Home-learning-activities-wk-1.docx
pdf icon ni2-g-33-design-your-own-rainforest-animal-read-and-draw-activity-sheet.pdf

Class 3: VE Day Themed home learning grid

Good morning everyone,
I hope you have all had a good weekend. 
I’m not sure if everybody has been able to access the home learning activities being sent via Purple Mash and Google Classroom, so I have attached a VE Day themed home learning grid for this week (week beginning 4th May 2020), with some worksheets. 
Some of the activities are from the Royal Legion website view at: Please ask pupils to complete tasks using either their home learning books, typing up using Purple Mash or choose one of the apps from Google Classroom.
For any pupils wondering what Google classroom is please ask them to open their Hwb emails and look for a Google Classroom invite. There are also some short videos to help explain what to do, in separate emails.
Look out for messages on the Purple Mash blog or Google Classroom stream from myself, Miss Owen, Mrs Maddocks and even other pupils from class 3.

If pupils have any questions, please ask them to email me through their Hwb or Purple Mash accounts and I will get back to them.

Take care and Stay Safe!

Mrs Roberts

doc icon VE-Day-home-learning-gid-4-5-20.docx
pdf icon t2-h-5437-ks2-ve-day-discussion-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
pdf icon t3-h-123-design-a-ve-day-medal-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
pdf icon buntingblank.pdf

Class 3: VE Day Themed home learning grid

Good morning everyone,
I hope you have all had a good weekend. 
I’m not sure if everybody has been able to access the home learning activities being sent via Purple Mash and Google Classroom, so I have attached a VE Day themed home learning grid for this week (week beginning 4th May 2020), with some worksheets. 
Some of the activities are from the Royal Legion website view at: Please ask pupils to complete tasks using either their home learning books, typing up using Purple Mash or choose one of the apps from Google Classroom.
For any pupils wondering what Google classroom is please ask them to open their Hwb emails and look for a Google Classroom invite. There are also some short videos to help explain what to do, in separate emails.
Look out for messages on the Purple Mash blog or Google Classroom stream from myself, Miss Owen, Mrs Maddocks and even other pupils from class 3.

If pupils have any questions, please ask them to email me through their Hwb or Purple Mash accounts and I will get back to them.

Take care and Stay Safe!

Mrs Roberts

doc icon VE-Day-home-learning-gid-4-5-20.docx
pdf icon t2-h-5437-ks2-ve-day-discussion-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
pdf icon t3-h-123-design-a-ve-day-medal-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
pdf icon buntingblank.pdf