Flintshire County Council statement to explain access to emergency childcare provision for key workers classified as ‘vital’ workers, provision of free school meals, and support for vulnerable learners.
To limit the spread of COVID-19it is important that, as far as possible, social contact is minimised.
Parents need to keep their children at home wherever possibleand schools/settings should be open onlyfor those children who absolutely need to attend.
Only children whose parents arecritical to the Covid-19 responseshould be offered places in schools/settings when there is no safe, alternative provision.
FOR THE WEEK COMMENCING 23rd MARCHFlintshire Headteachers have been advised toprioritise the allocation of placesto children of parents who meet the following criteria:-
·Category 1 – a single parent with a role on the list defined as critical to the Covid-19 response from Welsh Government
·Category 2 – where both parents have roles on this list
·Category 3 – a parent from a family unit who does not qualify under categories 1 and 2 above, and has a role on this list, and where there is an explicable and genuine reason why they need to access provision.
Headteachers may use their discretion for this third category – provided that they have sufficient provision – as they know their families’ circumstances best.
Should there be insufficient provision due to the requirements of social distancing, Headteachers have been advised by the Council torefuse admittanceto the children of thethird categoryaboveandliaise with their neighbouring headteachers to offer a place close by where this is possible.
Alternative provision is in being made for children entitled to free school meals and will be introduced shortly. This groupSHOULD NOTattend their local schools this week unless their parent(s) fall under the above categories 1-3. Further communication will follow.
Provision for children classed as vulnerable is also being planned. When this is ready to start further communications will be issued.
Claire Homard
Chief Officer, Education and Youth|Prif Swyddog, Addysg ac Ieuenctid
Flintshire County Council|Cyngor Sir y Fflint