Hello Everyone,
What a wonderful, productive day!
Thank you all so very much for your  kind donations and all your hard work today . 
Our school – Children and Staff have had a lovely day working together, as a team, to really make a difference to the beautiful outdoors we are so lucky to have. 
A special mention to Mr Greenough, for making us some replacement seating for our Forest School area and for building another puppet theatre for the Foundation Phase too, they are fantastic. Diolch yn fawr.
Our school looks even better today after planting, painting, digging and tidying up . A super job well done! 

Special thanks to our Eco Committee who have worked brilliantly in their meticulous planning for today and sharing their enthusiasm to drive our Eco status of looking after our environment. You really are superstars. 
Thank you once again, diolch yn fawr iawn i chi I gyd. 
From, Mrs Shickell and Mrs Parry.