Dear Parents/Carers,
Firstly, I would like to thank you all for your fantastic support over the past few months. We have really been overwhelmed by the commitment and dedication of you all, from supporting your children with their home learning, to ensuring a smooth part time return to school for many pupils. The children have engaged in many different home learning opportunities and their hard work has been very evident throughout.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the staff unreservedly for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. They have been truly wonderful. Their ability to cope with the many changes to school life over the past few months has been remarkable and their commitment and care for the children of Brynford is evident for all to see. It is now time for them to take a very well earned break over the summer holidays and on behalf of everyone, I wish them an enjoyable and restful summer.
It is with mixed emotions that we say goodbye to the Year 6 pupils. This year has been very different for all and particularly challenging for them. Despite this, they have coped brilliantly with the situation and we are proud of them for their fantastic achievements and the many happy memories they have left us with. We know that they will continue to make us proud in the future, moving on to the next stage of their learning journey, with confidence and the knowledge that they will be hugely successful in their chosen paths.
It has been truly wonderful to see so many pupils back in school. We have had the chance to catch up and prepare for the autumn term and this time has been extremely valuable. The way that the children have adapted to their changed environment has been incredible to see. No fuss, lots of laughs and their usual enthusiasm for school life. It is a credit to all.
I would also like to take this opportunity, to thank Cool Kidz for running a child care facility over the summer holiday.The Welsh Assembly Government funding for child care places for key worker children ends on Friday 17th July.Cool Kidz have worked hard to put provision in place, so that childcare can be accessed by Brynford children, over the summer holiday if needed. This has been achieved in a very short timescale.
And now we move towards September. We have now received the operational guidance from Welsh Assembly Government for September and have been working through this in detail, over the past few days. What is very clear, is that the safety and well- being of all children and staff as always, is of the utmost importance. Details for school organisation for September has now been emailed to you, along with updated parental and pupil booklets. Please note that these may be subject to change.
Please be reassured that the timetable sent has been carefully considered and is one that ensures that we have the safety and well -being of ALL of our pupils and staff at the very heart of our planning.
On behalf of the Governing Body and all staff, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday. It has been an extremely challenging year and one that we will all remember for a long time to come. What is clear, is that the Brynford Community can be proud of the way they have managed these challenging times. We cannot predict future events or challenges, but what we can be confident about, is that we will meet them with a positive attitude and a strong community spirit. It is what makes Brynford School so special.
Have a lovely summer. Take care and keep safe.
Mrs. R Critchell