News: School Transport

School Transport September 2020

Usually by the end of summer term, parents have been notified about school transport for the following academic year and those arrangements are all in place.  However, this year we have received significantly lower applications than we would normally expect and no communications to parents have been sent about transport, due to the Covid-19 situation and the uncertainty of what will be happening as of September.

Government advice is that where possible, parents and carers are encouraged to take children to school by walking or cycling, or alternatively by private car, rather than using public transport.  We understand that this won’t be possible for some families. If a child is eligible to receive free school transport from the Council then we will make the necessary travel arrangements.

I would be grateful if you could please encourage parents to apply for school transport as soon as possible.I was hoping as a school you could include the application information on your school website, weekly newsletter or any other communication with parents you may see fit.

Parents need to apply online on the Flintshire website linked below;

News: School Transport

School Transport September 2020

Usually by the end of summer term, parents have been notified about school transport for the following academic year and those arrangements are all in place.  However, this year we have received significantly lower applications than we would normally expect and no communications to parents have been sent about transport, due to the Covid-19 situation and the uncertainty of what will be happening as of September.

Government advice is that where possible, parents and carers are encouraged to take children to school by walking or cycling, or alternatively by private car, rather than using public transport.  We understand that this won’t be possible for some families. If a child is eligible to receive free school transport from the Council then we will make the necessary travel arrangements.

I would be grateful if you could please encourage parents to apply for school transport as soon as possible.I was hoping as a school you could include the application information on your school website, weekly newsletter or any other communication with parents you may see fit.

Parents need to apply online on the Flintshire website linked below;