Annwyl Riant / Warchodwr, CYRSIAU AR-LEINAM DDIMI BRESWYLWYR GOGLEDD CYMRU: Mae’n dros ddwy flynedd ers i ni lansio’r cyrsiau rhiantu Solihull ar-lein sy’n rhad ac am ddim i deuluoedd sy’n byw o fewn Gogledd Cymru. Hyd yma, ledled Cymru, mae 7804 o ddysgwyr wedi cymryd rhan, gyda 5,551 o’r rhain yn dod o Ogledd Cymru, sy’n wych! Mae’r cyrsiau’n briodol ar gyfer HOLL ddarpar rieni, rhieni, neiniau a theidiau neu ofalwyr unrhyw blant o’r cyfnod cyn-geni hyd at 18 mlwydd oed. Mae’r cyrsiau’n berthnasol i rieni pob plentyn, gan gynnwys y rhai ag anghenion arbennig, awtistiaeth, ADHD ac ati. Yn y dogfennau atodedig mae cwestiynau cyffredinol a geirda gan rieni sydd wedi cwblhau’r cyrsiau. Credwn mai rhieni yw’raddysgwyr cyntaf a phwysicaf eu plant ac mae’n bleser gennym rannu’r twf a’r cyfle dysgu yma gyda chi rieni a gofalwyr. Mae’r cyrsiauAM DDIMi bob preswylydd Gogledd Cymru gyda’r cod mynediadNWSOL. Mae’r drwydded yn ddilystan ddiwedd Hydref 2023 felly manteisiwchar yr adnodd ardderchog tra gallwch. Unwaith y byddwch wedi cael mynediad at y cyrsiau trwy ddefnyddio’r cod, bydd gennych fynediad na ddaw i ben i’r cyrsiau. Er mwyn cofrestruewch mewnbynnwch y cod mynediadNWSOL: ·Deall eich beichiogrwydd, yr esgor, yr enedigaeth a’ch babi ·Deall eich babi ·Deall eich plentyn ·Deall ymennydd eich plentyn yn ei harddegau ·Deall eich ymennydd (ar gyfer pobl ifanc yn eu harddegau yn unig) ·Deall eich plentyn gydag anghenion ychwanegol ·Deall teimladau eich plentyn ·Deall iechyd meddwl a lles eich plentyn Gofynnir i chi greu cyfrif er mwyn i chi allu parhau â’r cwrs o’r pwynt y gwnaethoch ei adael. Yn ogystal, gofynnir i chi wirio bod gennych hawl cyfreithiol i ddefnyddio’r cod mynediad drwy nodi eich cod post. Bydd yr wybodaeth personol a ddarperir gennych yn aros yn gyfrinachol. Bydd eich ymatebion i’r cwestiynau monitro yn ddienw. Ni fyddwch yn derbyn unrhywe-byst marchnata. Byddwch yn derbyn e-byst o longyfarch pan fyddwch yn cwblhau modiwl. Efallai y byddSolihull Approachyn eich e-bostio o bryd i’w gilydd i roi gwybod i chi am ddiweddariadau i’r cyrsiau.Rydym yn croesawu eich adborth. Am ragor o wybodaeth am y cwrs, ewch Am ymholiadau technegol, e-bostiwch[email protected]neu ffoniwch 0121 296 4448 o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener 9am–5pm Am unrhyw gwestiynau lleol cystyllwch yn Gymraeg neu’n Saesneg i[email protected] Cofion gorau, Tîm Iechyd Cyhoeddus BIPBC | Dear Parent / Carer, FREEONLINE COURSES FOR RESIDENTS OF NORTH WALES: It’s been over two years since we launched the free online Solihull parenting courses for families within North Wales area. To date, across Wales, 7804 learners have taken part, with 5,551 of these being from North Wales, which is fantastic! These courses are appropriate for ALL parents-to-be, parents, grandparents or carers of any child from the antenatal period up to 18 years of age. These courses are relevant for parents of all children, including those with special needs, autism, ADHD etc. Within the attached documents are FAQ’s and testimonials by parents who have completed the courses. We believe that parents are their children’s first and most important educators and we aredelighted to share this growth and learning opportunitywithyou as parents and carers. These courses areFREEto all residents of North Wales with the access codeNWSOL. The licence is valid until end of October 2023 so please take advantage of this fantastic resource while you can. Once you have accessed the courses using this code you will have non-expiring access to the courses. To register go and apply theNWSOLaccess code: ·Understanding your pregnancy, labour, birth and your baby ·Understanding your baby ·Understanding your child ·Understanding your teenagers brain ·Understanding your brain (for teenagers only) ·Understanding your child with additional needs ·Understanding your child’s feelings ·Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing You will be asked to create an account so that you can resume the course where you last left off. You will also be asked to verify that you are legitimately entitled to use the access code by entering your postcode. Personal information supplied by you remains private. Your responses to the monitoring questions are anonymised. You will not receive any marketing emails. You will receive congratulatory emails when you complete a module. The Solihull Approach may very occasionally email you to tell you about updates to the courses. We welcome your feedback. For further information about the course For technical queries email[email protected]or ring 0121 296 4448 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm For any local questions or queries please contact in Welsh or Englishto[email protected] BCUHB Public Health Team |
Solihull Approach Gogledd Cymru
I gael cymorth gyda phroblemau technegol, cysylltwch â
Rhif Ffôn/Tel: 0121 296 4448
Os oes gennych unrhyw ymholiadau, cysylltwch â’r Tîm Iechyd Cyhoeddus BIPBC ar
North Wales Solihull Approach
For help with technical issues contact
Tel:0121 296 4448
Any other queries contact the BCUHB Public Health Team at
[email protected]″ class=”ADIae w-314 h-103″ style=”margin:0px;animation:0.1s ease-out 0s 1 normal none running ADIae;width:3.2708in;height:1.0729in;cursor:pointer;min-height:auto;min-width:auto” size=”71515″ contenttype=”image/png” data-outlook-trace=”F:1|T:1″ src=””>