Dear Parent/Carer
We have an opportunity to elect a new parent governor to join the friendly team of Governors at our school. You will need to attend just six meetings per year held on a Monday starting at 6.30 p.m. and finishing by no later than 8.30 p.m. Parent Governors bring a particular and valuable insight to the Governing Body as they have a child at the school. Initially you will have the support of a “Buddy” who is someone you can call on for advice and to ask what you may think of as the “silly” question.
The work is interesting and all governors seek the best education for the children at our school. As a governor you will be involved in agreeing the educational priorities for the school, discussing budgets and much more. Governors play an essential part in the running of the school and importantly supporting the Headteacher. Hopefully you will find the work personally rewarding. In the future you may be invited to join one of the various sub committees.
We need a full team of Governors so please, seriously consider putting your name forward for election. Application forms will be sent out on Monday 28th November 2022.
Clive Bracewell
Chair Governors/Caderydd y Llwodraethwyr