News: Solihull Approach NHS

Helo eto,

Mae wedi bod yn flwyddyn bryderus i lawer o oedolion, plant a phobl ifanc fel ei gilydd. Rydymni’n gwybodfod llawer ohonoch chi’n poeni am effaith y pandemig ar eich plant.

CWRSNEWYDD SBON!! Cwrs ar-lein‘Deall iechyd meddwl a lles eich plentyn’ganSolihullApproach(GIG).

Mynediad am ddim:

Oeddech chi’n gwybodfod Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru wediTALU-O FLAEN LLAWi bob rhiant a gofalwr yng Nghymruigael mynediad i gwrs rieni / gofalwyr (mynediad nawr ar gyfer mynediad gydol oes)? AM DDIM (gyda chod mynediad:NWSOLneuSWSOLyn: ar gyfer preswylwyr yn ein hardal. Mae cyrsiau ar gyfer rhieni, gofalwyr a neiniau a theidiauynghylchplant o bump i 19+ oed.

Sut mae cael mynediad?

Beth yw’r cod?

• Os nad ydych wedi ei ddefnyddio eisoes dyma god mynediad yr holl gyrsiau ar-lein (wedi’ihariannu ar gyfer preswylwyr):NWSOLneuSWSOL

• Os ydych chi, fel llawer o rieni, eisoes wedi defnyddio’r cod hwn, mewngofnodwch i’ch cyfrifymaa bydd y cwrsyma’n barod yn eich dangosfwrdd i ddechrau pryd bynnag y byddwch chi’n barod.

Allaiddweud wrth fy nheulu a ffrindiau?

Cewch! Rhannwch y newyddion gydag aelodau o’chteulu a theuluoedd eraill yn yr ardal fel y gallant hwythau hefyd fanteisio ar y cyfle gwychyma.

Pa mor hirydy o?

Mae ‘Deall iechyd meddwl a lles eich plentyn’ ei hun mewn 2 ran (cyfanswm o 2 fodiwl):

1. CwblhewchRan 1….

2.… yna cymerwch‘Deall eich plentyn’NEU‘Deall eich plentyn ag anghenion ychwanegol’(11 modiwl yr un yn cymryd 10-15 munud i’w gwblhau, gan elwa o amser i dreulio’r cynnwysrhyngddynt)….

3.… yna cwblhewchRan 2.

Os ydych chi’n hoff o hyn …

… Efallai yr hoffech chi’r cyrsiau eraill

‘Deall ymennyddyrarddegau’ (cwrs byr)neu‘Deall teimladau eich plentyn’ (cwrs blasu),neu gyrsiau eraill yn y gyfres.

Hello again,

It’s been an anxious year for many adults,childrenandyoung people alike. We know many of you are worried about the impact of the pandemic on your children.

BRAND NEW!! Online course‘Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing’from the Solihull Approach (NHS).

Access for free:

Did you know Public Health Wales have PRE-PAID for every parent and carer in Wales to access a course for parents/carers (access now for life-long access)? FREE (with access for residents in our area. There are courses for parents, carers and grandparents about children from bump to 19+ years.

How do I access?

What’s the code?

·If you haven’t used it already here is the access code for all the online courses (funded for residents):NWSOLorSWSOL

  • If, like many parents, you have already used this code, log into your accounthereand this course will be ready in your dashboard to start whenever you are ready.

Can I tell my family and friends?

Absolutely! Share the news with family members and other families in the area so that they too can take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.

How long is it?

‘Understanding your child’s mental health and wellbeing’ itself is in 2 parts (2 modules long in total):

1.TakePart 1….

2.…then take ‘Understanding your child’OR ‘Understanding your child with additional needs(11 moduleseachtaking10-15 minutes to complete,benefittingfrom time to digest in between)….

3.…then takePart 2.

If you like this…

…you might like the other courses‘Understanding your teenager’s brain’ (short course)or‘Understanding your child’s feelings’ (taster course),or other courses in the series.