We will be holding a Fun Day for pupils on Tuesday 11th July. There will be an inter-house Rounders Competition for Years Three to Six and we ask that they come in to school wearing PE kit with a t shirt in the colour of their house team.
Alwen: Red
Celyn: Green
Brenig: White
All other year groups can wear normal PE kit on this day.
There will also be games, bingo and other activities for the whole school to enjoy. Each class is designing their own game, which will be shared with other classes. Each class will make a product which will be sold in school e.g. cakes, bookmarks. There will also be raffle prizes to be won.
Please see attached pictures to show what all classes are offering!
Children may bring in some money to take part in the raffle and games on this day. Please can this be brought into school in a named envelope.
I am sure this will be great day for all the pupils!