Dear Parents/ Carers
We have now completed our first week back in school, welcoming small groups of children into each class. The hub for Critical care workers children has continued to operate this week and is situated in the hall. Other groups have been in allocated class rooms. It has been fantastic to see the children again and we are very much looking forward to welcoming the other groups into school next week.
This week’ s sessions have been concentrating on ensuring that children feel comfortable in their new surroundings. The school does look different from when they left it, but we have all been really pleased to observe how well the children have adapted to the new school routines and the necessary changes to the organisation of the building. I wish to thank all members of staff for their ongoing efforts to support all pupils, whether they be returning to school or engaging in home learning.
It has been lovely to hear the sound of laughter, once again in our school and pupils have been keen to share news. They have also had the opportunity to discuss any anxieties they may have, either with the current situation, or any further support they may require, with their home learning. They have had the opportunity to exercise outdoors (even though the weather has not been particularly favourable) and have continued with various activities to support their home learning and online work.
All pupils have been provided with a tasty packed lunch consisting of sandwiches, a piece of fruit, a water bottle and a cake bar. These have been very well received by pupils and are provided by Newydd Catering on a daily basis.
Thank you to everyone for ensuring that the children have arrived at school on time, in their allocated slots. This has helped to ensure the smooth running at the beginning and end of each day. A quick reminder that Foundation pupils enter and exit school from the side gate, Class 2 pupils, the main visitors gate and Class 3, the car park gate. Staff are on duty to welcome the children into school.
The children have very easily adopted the ‘one way system’ in school and have been perfectly happy with the socially distanced arrangements, as they fully understand the necessity of these measures. They have been equally happy, with the need to wash their hands regularly throughout the day and understand the reasons for this.
Thank you to parents and carers for ensuring that all children ONLY bring in necessary items from home.A coat, water bottle and any necessary medication, is all that they require in school.
We look forward to next week, welcoming the remainder of our pupils into school. Please be reassured that we will all do our utmost to ensure that their new school experience is a positive and enjoyable one.
R Critchell