Dear Parents/ Carers,
As another week draws to a close, it has been lovely to welcome back the other groups of learners into school. I would once again like to thank the staff for their continued efforts to ensure that all children have had a positive experience on their return to school. In addition to this, I would like to thank all parents and carers, who have supported the school to ensure that all procedures have been carefully followed to ensure the safety and well- being of all.
A reminder that next week we will be welcoming all groups of learners back, on specific days, but that school will close at 1pm, ( Foundation Phase) 1:15 (Years 3/ 4) and 1:30 pm (Years 5 and 6) to ensure thorough cleaning of the building ready for the next day’s groups. The hub for key worker children will close on Friday 17th July.
As you are now aware, the Minster for Education Kirsty Williams has made the announcement that all children will return to school by September 14th. Full operational guidance for this, is to be published next week. There is an expectation from WG that social distancing between the children in their class groups will be limited but that mixing between class groups is minimised and that adults still follow social distancing regulations. We will be reviewing our risk assessments and complex operational plans, following the publication of this guidance, to ensure that all pupils can be back in school safely by September 14th.
At this stage, I do not have any further information, but we will be in touch towards the end of next week, with further details about how this return to school will be organised in our school, once the WG guidance has been received.
Many thanks for your continued patience and support at this time.
R Critchell Headteacher