Dear Parents/Carers
We as a school are continually monitoring and reviewing our risk assessments, policies and procedures. Our number one priority is the health, safety and well-being of all our children, staff and wider community.
We have now updated our risk assessment and procedure for entering and exiting the school premises.
Please read the instructions carefully, if you have any concerns or questions then please contact me via telephone or email.
Changes have been made to the procedures following concerns about the lack of a pedestrian footpath directly outside the side gate and the unpredictability of traffic usage during drop off and pick up times.
When waiting outside the main school gates, please;
• form a social distance queue (either to the right or left of the school gates.)
•Staff will collect each child from parent/Carer at the designated gate
•Once your child has entered school gate please leave the queue so next child in line can enter school
• Please respect the Welsh regulations in place and do not congregate in groups outside the school. Social distancing must be adhered at all times.
• At the end of school day please queue at the designated gate, at the designated time for your child while maintaining social distancing.
• Staff will then bring your child to you. Once you have collected your child please leave the queue so the next parent can move forward in queue.
• If you find yourself in a position that you are unable to maintain social distancing in the formed queue please remain either in your vehicle or stand clear of the school until
you are able to join the queue.
• Please be assured that no member staff will allow your child to leave the school premises until a responsible adult has presented themselves at the designated gate.
We thank you, as always for cooperating during this time.
R Critchell