Class 2: Home Learning wb 20.04.20

Class 2
Hope everyone has had a relaxing Easter.
Just letting you know that I have set lots of new 2do’s on Purple Mash for you to work on. 
There is the new chapter and activities for Around the World…. too!

Timmy in Trouble is nearly ready for the release of Chapter 8 update!! It’s very exciting!!  
Take care everyone, I’m really enjoying reading your blogs!

Thank you, Diolch

From Mrs Shickell

Class 3: Google Classroom

Good Morning Class 3. 

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter with your family and taken advantage of the beautiful weather.

Thank you to everybody who has completed the tasks I set prior to Easter. I have enjoyed reading your work and I hope you have enjoyed completing them. Please don’t get yourself upset or worry about any work, do what you can but my priority is you staying safe and being happy.

I myself have been busy over Easter learning how to cook new cakes and meals, play new games and having fun in the garden with my family. I would love to hear how you have been keeping busy. I have also been learning about new ways to connect with you, and am very excited to introduce you to google classroom. I would like all pupils in Class 3 to log onto their Hwb account and open an email which will have an invite to join Class 3 Google Classroom. I will be using this platform to send activities and explore different ways for you to learn. You will find a new Home Learning Grid which will have a mixture of activities to complete.

I will send you further information via Hwb emails to help open google classroom so please remember to look.

Stay Safe and take care!


Mrs Roberts

Foundation Phase: Home Learning wb 20.04.20

Bore Da Pawb, 
We hope you have all had a restful, fun and safe Easter. Today we would have be waking up and getting ready to start a new term. In Foundation Phase we would be looking at the topic ‘In the Garden’, however, even though we aren’t in the classroom, we will still be creating different home learning challenges with the ‘In the Garden’ topic in mind. 
You will see an attached Home Learning Challenge sheet with resources to support. This Home Learning Challenge sheet is based on the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. Please use these challenges as you see fit and adapt them to suit your children’s strengths and interests. 
We hope you find these useful, some of the challenges will link to PurpleMash 2dos.
Do what you feel comfortable doing, enjoy this sunshine this week and make memories with each other.
Please take a look at our PurpleMash blog and use the blog to communicate your updates or if you require any support.
Many thanks for your support and co-operation again, 
Miss Davies Mrs Harris  Mrs Williams

pdf icon Very-Hungry-Caterpillar-Home-Learning-.pdf

Class 3: Kindness Calendar wb 6th April – 10th April

Through these times it is always good to be kind because“Everyone deserves kindness; it is essential for us to thrive”The Kindness School Foundation have created a free kindness calendar each week. 

The activities are designed with a focus on pupil and family wellbeing. 

Activities are structured into i) kind to me, ii) kind to others and iii) kind to the planet.

What the Kindness Calendar includes;

  • One activity per day

  • One theme per week

  • Links to relevant website

This week’s theme is:LOOKING AFTER OUR FAMILIES 

Please let us know if you have done any of these tasks through PurpleMash blogs or Hwb.

pdf icon Kindness-Calendar-Week-2.pdf

Class 2: Kindness Calendar wb 6th April – 10th April

Through these times it is always good to be kind because“Everyone deserves kindness; it is essential for us to thrive”The Kindness School Foundation have created a free kindness calendar each week. 

The activities are designed with a focus on pupil and family wellbeing. 

Activities are structured into i) kind to me, ii) kind to others and iii) kind to the planet.

What the Kindness Calendar includes;

  • One activity per day

  • One theme per week

  • Links to relevant website

This week’s theme is:LOOKING AFTER OUR FAMILIES 

Please let us know if you have done any of these tasks through PurpleMash blogs or Hwb.

pdf icon Kindness-Calendar-Week-2.pdf

Class 1: Kindness Calendar wb 6th April – 10th April

Through these times it is always good to be kind because“Everyone deserves kindness; it is essential for us to thrive”The Kindness School Foundation have created a free kindness calendar each week. 

The activities are designed with a focus on pupil and family wellbeing. 

Activities are structured into i) kind to me, ii) kind to others and iii) kind to the planet.

What the Kindness Calendar includes;

  • One activity per day

  • One theme per week

  • Links to relevant website

This week’s theme is:LOOKING AFTER OUR FAMILIES 

Please let us know if you have done any of these tasks through PurpleMash blogs or Hwb.

pdf icon Kindness-Calendar-Week-2.pdf

Foundation Phase: Kindness Calendar wb 6th April – 10th April

Through these times it is always good to be kind because“Everyone deserves kindness; it is essential for us to thrive”The Kindness School Foundation have created a free kindness calendar each week. 

The activities are designed with a focus on pupil and family wellbeing. 

Activities are structured into i) kind to me, ii) kind to others and iii) kind to the planet.

What the Kindness Calendar includes;

  • One activity per day

  • One theme per week

  • Links to relevant website

This week’s theme is:LOOKING AFTER OUR FAMILIES 

Please let us know if you have done any of these tasks through PurpleMash blogs or Hwb.

pdf icon Kindness-Calendar-Week-2.pdf

Foundation Phase: Easter Holiday Ideas


Thank you to everyone who has supported their children over the past two weeks with their home learning. As it is the Easter break, we will not be setting any direct tasks over these next two weeks. However, I have created a selection of ideas that can involve all the family.

However, please keep sharing what you are doing with us through these two weeks. Even though we are on our break, I will still be keeping an eye out.

Thank you so much for all your support,


Miss Davies

pdf icon Easter-Holiday-Ideas.pdf

News: Easter Update

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Firstly, a huge ‘THANK YOU’ to everyone who has supported their children over the past two weeks with their home learning. We have been overwhelmed by the commitment and support you have provided, during these challenging times.

Our staff have continued to do an amazing job, providing work for the children, responding to their questions, supporting critical workers’ children in the hub and ensuring that they continue to put the children of Brynford first, during these unprecedented times. On behalf of everyone, I wish to THANK THEM for being brilliant!

It seems strange to say that we are now approaching the Easter holidays. Despite everything, the Easter break should be exactly that, for all children, staff and parents; a break from home learning, an opportunity to spend quality time with the people that you love (whether that be in person, or through social media.) So I ask that you suspend your children’s home learning for the next two weeks. This ensures everyone has a well earned rest.

I have asked staff to do the same. They are doing an incredible job, supporting the HUB, giving up their family time, to provide support for the critical workers, who so rightly, need our help at this time. So staff will not be responding to home learning queries, or setting work for the next two weeks and I ask for your support in ensuring they have this well- deserved break.The well- being of all, is of paramount importance. By continuing to support each other as a community, we will emerge from these events, stronger and more resilient.

I am in awe of everyone’s commitment, dedication and support. Keep safe and well everyone.We will be in contact again after the Easter break. Thank you.

Rachel Critchell.
