News: Tempest Photography

Dear Parents,

The closing date for FREE postage and delivery for parents is approaching for the recent Individual & Siblings photos via online orders. If you have already placed an order for photographs thank you. If not or you wish to order more, simply enter your image reference number and website access code (found on your original order form)

If you need assistance feel free to contact Tempest 01736 751555 (option 3).

Many Thanks

Tempest Photography

Anyone sending their forms into school please ensure they are in the school office no later than Thursday 27th February 2020.

News: Survey

We have been asked by the School Modernisation Team to send out a link asking you all to complete a Travel Survey on Survey Monkey.  The link for the Survey is below.  The survey will open on Tuesday 25th February and close on Tuesday 10th March.  We would be grateful for your support in completing this short survey.

News: Nant BH

The children and staff are on their way back to school from Nant BH. They should arrive in school at approximately 2:30 pm.

News: Nant BH Update

The children had a brilliant day yesterday. They were organised into groups and took part in high rope, zip wire or indoor climbing. This was followed by a long walk. They have all slept well and are now having a well earned breakfast, in preparation for another full day of activities!

News: Nant BH

The children and staff have arrived safely at Nant BH! They are now taking part in their first set of activities!

News: Nant B.H.

We have just heard from Nant B.H. and fabulous news the roads are now open.  The pupils will be collected by the coach company at 11.30am and there is a full afternoon of activities planned.

News: Nant BH Update

Currently there is debris on the roads , so our trip to Nant Bh has been delayed. the children will now have lunch in school and hopefully will leave for Nant Bh after lunch. However, we await final confirmation form the Centre, weather dependent. 

News: Update on Nant BH Trip

Currently there is debris on the roads to Nant BH so some roads are closed.  The children will now have lunch in school and we hope to leave for Nant BH shortly after that. However we await final confirmation from the Centre, weather dependent.