News: Year 7 Transmission

Just a reminder the Year 7 application closing date is this Friday 6th November 2020.

News:Class 2 Target Report follow-up phone call.

Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope you are all keeping well and warm in this chillier, wet weather.
I am messaging to inform you, after our Staff Meeting this afternoon, we have discussed our timetable regarding accessibility to respond to your requests for a follow-up phone call after receiving your child’s Target Report.
I will be available to phone you after 3.30pm until 4.45pm on Thursday 5th November, initially. 
Miss Davies will be on duty for collecting the children in the morning, 4th November, therefore please, if you have requested a follow up call, can I ask you to  let Miss Davies know if this time is suitable for yourselves? A phone call will be made during the set times. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to meet “face to face” therefore, this is our most viable option.
I will aim to speak to each and every parent/carer who has requested a call, should this day not be suitable. Please, see Miss Davies in the morning to indicate availability.
I sincerely appreciate that not having the opportunity to meet “face to face” is just not our normal process, but please rest assured all learners are coping as best as they can and I am so very proud of how they are adapting to our new normal.
Thank you for your continued support, very much appreciated,
Kindest regards,
Mrs E Shickell Class 2 Teacher 

News: Free School Meals Update

Over the half term holiday, pupils in receipt of Free School Meals will receive a direct payment of £19.50 per child.

If your child(ren) have been instructed to self-isolate over half term and therefore will not be returning to school Monday 2ndNovember 2020, please email the school immediately and then call the school on the Monday to advise of the isolation period so the relevant direct payment can be arranged.

News: Free School Meals Update

Over the half term holiday, pupils in receipt of Free School Meals will receive a direct payment of £19.50 per child.

If your child(ren) have been instructed to self-isolate over half term and therefore will not be returning to school Monday 2ndNovember 2020, please email the school immediately and then call the school on the Monday to advise of the isolation period so the relevant direct payment can be arranged.

News: Breakfast Club

Anyone wishing to book Breakfast Club for the week commencing 2nd November (the week after half term), please email school today with your requests.