Hello Class 2, Parents and Carers,
I hope you are all keeping safe and well.
Well done to all learners in Class 2 who have “handed-in” their Castle story homework. What an absolute pleasure I had reading your stories. Da iawn pawb. 
As discussed in class, here is an update on the next homework task.
After very popular demand I have set the new task for you to work on, one that I am sure will be well received. 
The choice is to use either option as listed in Google Classroom. However, should you not have access to a device to complete one option, then Lego is also listed as a choice. This will hopefully accommodate every learner in the class. 
Further research on Castles is also an important part of this homework, therefore I have extended the “hand-in” date. 
After having the opportunity to see the work of our peers in Class 3, your task is similar. We will use your homework in our Literacy lessons and develop our fact files on Castles in this way.
I hope you have a great time working on this task and let’s see if we can share some great designs with our peers too.
Any questions, please message or catch up in class,
Thank you, From, Mrs Shickell