News: EU Settlement Scheme Deadline

Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau i’r Cynllun Preswylio’n Sefydlog i Ddinasyddion yr UE – 30 Mehefin

Byddem yn gwerthfawrogi eich help i atgoffa rhieni, pobl ifanc a’ch staff eich hunain y dylent hwy ac aelodau o’u teuluoedd, os ydynt yn ddinasyddion yr UE, yr AEE neu’r Swistir, wneud cais i’r Cynllun Preswylio’n Sefydlog i Ddinasyddion yr UE. Mae’n ofynnol i blant cymwys wneud cais yn eu rhinwedd eu hunain gan nad oes unrhyw blentyn o unrhyw oedran yn dod o dan gais rhiant i’r Cynllun. Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am hyn ar GOV.UK, gyda chanllawiau ychwanegol ar gyfer y Cynllun yn y daflen hon.

Mae cefnogaeth a chymorth am ddim ar gael drwy nifer o sefydliadau yng Nghymru. Gallwch ddod o hyd i ragor o fanylion ar wefan y Gwasanaeth Cynghori ar Fewnfudo i Ddinasyddion yr UE ( Mae pob darparwr yn cynnig cymorth gydag iaith a gellir cysylltu â nhw yn uniongyrchol dros y ffôn hefyd.

Citizens Advice 0330 3309 059

Newfield’s Law 0292 169 0049

Settled 0330 223 5336

TGP Cymru 0808 802 0025 

Newport Mind 07552121563  / 07918619238 / 07976462481

Deadline for EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) application – 30 June

We would appreciate your help in reminding parents, young people and your own staff that if they are an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen, they and their family members should apply to the EU Settlement Scheme. Eligible children are required to have an application in their own right because no child of any age is covered by a parent’s application to the EUSS. There’s more information on this on GOV.UK with additional guidance in this EUSS leaflet.

There is free support and help available through a number of organisations in Wales. You can find more details here  EU Citizens Immigration ( All the providers offer language support and can also by contacted directly by telephone.

Citizens Advice 0330 3309 059

Newfield’s Law 0292 169 0049

Settled 0330 223 5336

TGP Cymru 0808 802 0025 

Newport Mind 07552121563  / 07918619238 / 07976462481

News: Urgent and Important Communication


Wider Symptoms

PHW have now confirmed a wider range of symptoms that are possibly related to Covid-19. These include


Feeling unusually tired


General ‘flu-like aches and pains (myalgia)


Sore throat and / or hoarseness


Shortness of breath or wheezing


Persistent headache


Runny or blocked nose


Feeling sick (nausea), vomiting or diarrhoea

If one or more of the wider symptoms BUT NOT ONE OF THE THREE MAIN SYMPTOMS is present, thena PCR test should be booked.

Please inform the 119 operators when booking the test that School and Local Authority guidance is that a PCR test should be provided.  If for any reason staff or parents are refused, please ask for the manager’s name and email and forward the information straight to school.  This will then be communicated to the Local Authority to be addressed on a case-by-case basis.

News: School Council Photo with Wynne Construction and Flintshire Chief Officers

Flintshire’s £7.1m Early Years Centres project begins construction | The Leader A NORTH Wales construction company has started work on the first of many school sites to extend and expand pre-school provision for young children across Flintshire. Wynne Construction has been …

News: Breakfast Club

Polite Reminder: All bookings for Breakfast Club next week must be received by 1pm today.

PE KIT: Sports Day

Nursery and Reception Parents, 
Please can your child come in their PE kit tomorrow (24th June) please. 
Reception completed some of their races this morning. However, Nursery did not get to complete their sports day this afternoon due to bad weather and Reception children were involved with some of the team races. Therefore, we will be doing these races tomorrow afternoon. 
I would like to say a HUGE well done to Reception, all the children tried their best and displayed excellent behaviour. We are all very proud of them! 

Many Thanks, 
Nursery and Reception Team! 


Please can all children in all classes come to school in their PE kit tomorrow.  Wednesday 23rd June.  Thank you


Please can all children in all classes come to school in their PE kit tomorrow.  Wednesday 23rd June.  Thank you

News: School Transport

School Transport September 2021

As you will be aware over the last couple of years we have changed the way in which parents apply for school transport, the process has worked extremely well and we have therefore continued with the same the process for a number of years.

For information, I have included a copy of the timetable below, please note all parents need to complete the application form for school transport online (I have attached the link to the online form and process below)

School Transport Timetable 2021/2022

Admission Year

Application Forms Available

Closing Date

Applications Assessed

Notification of Eligibility

Notification of Transport Arrangements

Primary (Reception)



31/05/2021 – 25/06/2021

By 02/07/2021

By 16/07/2021

Secondary (Year



31/05/2021 – 25/06/2021

By 02/07/2021

By 16/07/2021

The above timetable shows a closing date for parents to complete applications by the31stMay 2021,and whilst we have received a high number of application forms to date, I would be grateful if you could please encourage parents of nursery pupils to apply for school transport for reception and Year 6 pupils to apply for transport to secondary school for September 2021 as soon as possible and no later than Monday 31stMay, 2021.