News: Kindness Calendar Week 6 – Theme: The way to the heart is through the stomach

Through these times it is always good to be kind because“Everyone deserves kindness; it is essential for us to thrive”The Kindness School Foundation have created a free kindness calendar each week. 

The activities are designed with a focus on pupil and family wellbeing. 

Activities are structured into i) kind to me, ii) kind to others and iii) kind to the planet.

What the Kindness Calendar includes;

  • One activity per day

  • One theme per week

  • Links to relevant website

This week’s theme is:  The way to the heart is through the stomach

Please let us know if you have done any of these tasks through PurpleMash blogs, Seesaw or GoogleClassroom.

pdf icon Kindness-Calendar-Week-6.pdf

News: Kindness Calendar Week 6 – Theme: The way to the heart is through the stomach

Through these times it is always good to be kind because“Everyone deserves kindness; it is essential for us to thrive”The Kindness School Foundation have created a free kindness calendar each week. 

The activities are designed with a focus on pupil and family wellbeing. 

Activities are structured into i) kind to me, ii) kind to others and iii) kind to the planet.

What the Kindness Calendar includes;

  • One activity per day

  • One theme per week

  • Links to relevant website

This week’s theme is:  The way to the heart is through the stomach

Please let us know if you have done any of these tasks through PurpleMash blogs, Seesaw or GoogleClassroom.

pdf icon Kindness-Calendar-Week-6.pdf

Class 1: Home learning challenge grid week beginning 4th May 2020

Hello everyone,

We hope you have had a good weekend and have managed to get outside for some fresh air.

Please have a look at the attached home learning challenge grid for this week (week beginning 4th May 2020).Please check the activities section on seesaw and your journal for videos to support your learning. There are also 2dos set on Purple Mash for you to enjoy.  

If you haven’t managed to access your seesaw journal yet, we have put together a basic instruction guide which explains how to logon to seesaw and how to use some of the tools within the app (see document attached). If you haven’t already done so, please have a go this week at uploading a piece of work/ photograph onto seesaw.

If you have any questions, please email via Purple Mash or send a note on seesaw and we will get back to you.

Many thanks

Mrs Parry and Mrs Tomlinson

pdf icon Home-learning-journey-challenges-week-beg-04.05.20.pdf
pdf icon Accessing-Seesaw-instructions.pdf

Foundation Phase: Seesaw

Nursery and Reception Parents, 

You should have received individual student codes for your child via email to access Seesaw. If you have not received one please let us know using the school email below.
To access your child’s Seesaw journal please follow the steps below.
Set up your child in the Seesaw Class App:
1. For devices like tablets or phones, download the Seesaw Class App

For laptop or desktop computers, go to

2. Click I’m a Student

3. Enter the text code

If you have any issues please contact us on [email protected]
Many Thanks
Nursery/Reception Team

Foundation Phase: Seesaw

Nursery and Reception Parents, 

You should have received individual student codes for your child via email to access Seesaw. If you have not received one please let us know using the school email below.
To access your child’s Seesaw journal please follow the steps below.
Set up your child in the Seesaw Class App:
1. For devices like tablets or phones, download the Seesaw Class App

For laptop or desktop computers, go to

2. Click I’m a Student

3. Enter the text code

If you have any issues please contact us on [email protected]
Many Thanks
Nursery/Reception Team

News: Class 2

Hello, Class 2 Sut ydych chi? I hope you are all keeping well. Just a little reminder that there are lots of exciting activities set for you on Purple Mash. I have also  released the latest update on the class story too… I hope you are all enjoying reading the chapter updates. When we are back in school we will be able to chat about this and decide on a sequel to the story… so get your thinking caps on and let’s have lots of ideas…. I hope you are all enjoying working through the work packs set for you too.  I look forward to hearing from you all on our Purple Mash blog page, it’s so lovely to hear what you are all doing and more importantly learning new skills during your time away from the classroom. So take care everyone, stay safe and healthy and enjoy making some special memories with your families at home. Hope to hear from you soon, From,  Mrs Shickell

News: Class 2

Hello, Class 2 Sut ydych chi? I hope you are all keeping well. Just a little reminder that there are lots of exciting activities set for you on Purple Mash. I have also  released the latest update on the class story too… I hope you are all enjoying reading the chapter updates. When we are back in school we will be able to chat about this and decide on a sequel to the story… so get your thinking caps on and let’s have lots of ideas…. I hope you are all enjoying working through the work packs set for you too.  I look forward to hearing from you all on our Purple Mash blog page, it’s so lovely to hear what you are all doing and more importantly learning new skills during your time away from the classroom. So take care everyone, stay safe and healthy and enjoy making some special memories with your families at home. Hope to hear from you soon, From,  Mrs Shickell