News: Breakfast Club

Just a quick reminder that any bookings for next week’s breakfast club need to be emailed to school by 1pm.

News: School Meals

Friday 9th October 2020
School Meal Special
Frankfurter Hotdog and Chips All other school meal options available as normal on this day.

News: Class 2 update.

A message for Class 2 and Parents/Carers,

Well, I just thought I should update you all to let you know how things are getting along in Class 2. To tell everyone what we are getting up to and what we are learning during this “new normal” time at school.

Firstly, I just need to say a MASSIVE well done to everyone. You really are all superstars for your cooperation and using fantastic listening skills when listening to new rules and messages that we need to share with you during this unusual time for us in school. We have had to change and adapt some of our class rules to allow us to work comfortably, so well done. Da iawn.

You have all settled in well, back into life at school and learning to adapt to the new procedures in our class, from individual work wallets, your own pencil pots and having our lunch in our classroom too. You really do make me proud of your maturity and understanding. Da iawn pawb.

We have also started our new topic – all about Castles. We have used our “pupil voice” to share our ideas what we would like to learn about and have even put the ideas into the new areas of learning…. we have discovered that we will be learning a lot of Humanities this term as well as developing our Numeracy skills in finding out the date castles were first built and also the distances of the castles from where we live. We have even researched the names of the different parts of the Castles and then used our computer skills to locate this information using the internet.

In English we are looking at extended grammar and punctuation to help us in our writing and also a focus on handwriting too.

Mathematics is making great progress. We have started to revisit the four rules of Number and are working well in this too. In Science we are looking at materials and their different uses. Welsh has also started well with our work on Pod Antur… this is proving very popular….and in Outdoor Games we have been learning how to play Hockey, what a great time we have had learning how to hold the hockey stick and dribble with the ball whilst keeping our eyes on our team members too.. lots to learn but you are doing brilliantly.

We have a weekly spelling list to practise at home and we need to try and learn our timestables and also try and read as often as we can too. Lots to keep us busy! 

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be using Google classroom as a learning tool to share our class and homework too, we have already started to familiarise ourselves with it in school however, we need to be happy and confident that we can work independently on it before we have tasks to work on at home…. 

 A ‘help sheet’ will be sent home with your codes and passwords to help you too when we are certain we know how to get the best out of the tool.

It has been a very busy but productive return to school. It is so lovely to hear children chatting with their peers and also sharing their feelings and emotions with each other too. 

This is what makes Brynford school a very special place to teach and for learners to learn, your ability to adapt to the “new normal” makes me proud to be your Teacher.

Well done Class 2, we have lots of exciting things to look forward to this term and let’s hope we can continue to make progress and enjoy our time together learning new things every day.

A busy term ahead that has started with positive learning attitudes…. Keep it up Class 2.


Mrs Shickell and Mrs Greenough


Please find attached a reminder of the music offering for Years 3 to 6 from Flintshire Music Service, following the email of this information to parents in the Summer Term.

pdf icon Theatr-Clwyd-Music-Autumn-2020-online.pdf


Please find attached a reminder of the music offering for Years 3 to 6 from Flintshire Music Service, following the email of this information to parents in the Summer Term.

pdf icon Theatr-Clwyd-Music-Autumn-2020-online.pdf

Google Classroom

Hello Class 2,
Just catching up after a fabulous first training session this morning on Google Classroom. Well done to you all. Miss Davies and Mrs Greenough said you were all brilliant and super listeners trying to navigate round this great tool that we are going to be using for lots of our work.
I have already set a homework, (like you have all seen today), but,please don’t worry about it yet as more information will be sent to you to check out beforehand .  I have read your comments and I’m so pleased you have all enjoyed working on it. GREAT WORK CLASS 2! I am super proud of how you worked so hard on this.
More info to follow very soon… Well done once again, Da iawn,
From, Mrs Shickell.

News: Breakfast Club


Dear Parents/Carers

Breakfast club will resume on Monday 28th September. Having risk assessed following the latest Welsh Assembly Operational guidance, the club will run in a different way for the foreseeable future.

If you wish to book a place there will be a £1 daily charge, payable in advance on parent pay for the ‘childcare element’ of the club. Children who are attending breakfast club, will be in their own class bubbles, in their own classroom. This Club will have limited capacity and may close at very short notice if necessary, due to the current situation or staff shortages. Any closure would be posted on the website. There will be a maximum of 12 places per day for Foundation Phase children

( Reception to Year 2) and 12 places per day for Key stage 2 children. These will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and booked in advance for the following week.

Children will be provided with a drink and a breakfast cereal bar. Breakfast Club will begin at 8 am and pupils should access the school, through the visitor’s gate, where they will be met by a member of staff.

Please note that this is not a ‘drop in’ child care facility and places are booked strictly in advance. The health and safety of all staff and pupils is our primary and overriding concern during these challenging times.

Please book your place on a Thursday by emailing [email protected]   Bookings will be taken from 8 am until 1 pm every Thursday. Bookings emailed outside of these times will not be accepted. You will receive confirmation of your place on a Friday for the following week.

Thank you for your continued support during these challenging times.

Rachel Critchell