Class 3: Fabulous Fruit Salads

Yesterday, Class 3 took full advantage of our new cooking room and learnt some basic knife skills, how to make a fruit salad and the all important skill of cleaning and tidying up. We had an amazing afternoon and the children worked extremely hard.

The fruit salads looked delicious and I’m sure they tasted just as good.

I would like to share some photos of the children busy at work and their final master pieces. The photos will be sent over a few posts.

Da iawn Dosbarth 3!!

Class 3: Update

Dear Parents/Guardians,
I would just like to inform you about some of the procedures and activities your children will be doing over the next couple of weeks.
Last week, all pupils were given a book bag which contained their reading book and spelling book. In Class 3 we encourage the children to be more independent for themselves and organise themselves to complete activities, but I’m aware they sometimes need a reminder from time to time. 
Reading All pupils should aim to read each night and record what they have read in their yellow reading record book.
Spellings The pupils will be given spellings every Monday which they should practise as often as possible. Please can I request that parents/guardians sign the spellings book to show that you have seen the new spellings.
Homework The pupils have been given a homework book today with a short task that requires completing each evening this week and requires returning next Monday. We have been looking at Food hunger around the world and we have been looking at different ideas of how we can make a difference. One of the areas is to reduce food waste, hence the activity they have been set for this week. 
For any pupils who were absent today but would still like to start the task today I have attached the worksheet to this message.
In addition, the children will receive homework activities either in their homework book or via Google Classroom. Instructions will be provided with regards of when to complete.
Cooking With the new community-room we have access to cooking facilities, and we hope to take full advantage and use it over this term, especially with our new topic being Fabulous Food/Food for Thought. 
I have sent a message to all pupils on their Google Classsroom account about the Fruit Salad we will be making in school this Wednesday (22nd September).  Just in case they haven’t relayed this back to you they have all been asked to bring 4 – 6 different fruits, a small carton or plastic bottle of fresh orange juice and a container to hold their fruit salad in. All items should be in a container or bag which is labelled with their name. We will be preparing the fruit salad in school so the pupils will not be required to cut anything in advance.
PE  The pupils have PE on a Monday and Thursday and should continue to come to school in their PE kits on those days. Please can I request that all pupils either remove all earrings on that day or have plasters to cover them. All hair should be tied back, and appropriate footwear worn. The pupils are currently participating in Netball and Indoor Athletics activities. 
I hope this answers any questions you have, but if you have any further questions please leave a message with the school office.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Roberts

doc icon Food-Waste-Detective.docx

Class 3: Update

Dear Parents/Guardians,
I would just like to inform you about some of the procedures and activities your children will be doing over the next couple of weeks.
Last week, all pupils were given a book bag which contained their reading book and spelling book. In Class 3 we encourage the children to be more independent for themselves and organise themselves to complete activities, but I’m aware they sometimes need a reminder from time to time. 
Reading All pupils should aim to read each night and record what they have read in their yellow reading record book.
Spellings The pupils will be given spellings every Monday which they should practise as often as possible. Please can I request that parents/guardians sign the spellings book to show that you have seen the new spellings.
Homework The pupils have been given a homework book today with a short task that requires completing each evening this week and requires returning next Monday. We have been looking at Food hunger around the world and we have been looking at different ideas of how we can make a difference. One of the areas is to reduce food waste, hence the activity they have been set for this week. 
For any pupils who were absent today but would still like to start the task today I have attached the worksheet to this message.
In addition, the children will receive homework activities either in their homework book or via Google Classroom. Instructions will be provided with regards of when to complete.
Cooking With the new community-room we have access to cooking facilities, and we hope to take full advantage and use it over this term, especially with our new topic being Fabulous Food/Food for Thought. 
I have sent a message to all pupils on their Google Classsroom account about the Fruit Salad we will be making in school this Wednesday (22nd September).  Just in case they haven’t relayed this back to you they have all been asked to bring 4 – 6 different fruits, a small carton or plastic bottle of fresh orange juice and a container to hold their fruit salad in. All items should be in a container or bag which is labelled with their name. We will be preparing the fruit salad in school so the pupils will not be required to cut anything in advance.
PE  The pupils have PE on a Monday and Thursday and should continue to come to school in their PE kits on those days. Please can I request that all pupils either remove all earrings on that day or have plasters to cover them. All hair should be tied back, and appropriate footwear worn. The pupils are currently participating in Netball and Indoor Athletics activities. 
I hope this answers any questions you have, but if you have any further questions please leave a message with the school office.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Roberts

doc icon Food-Waste-Detective.docx

Class 3: Home Learning Update

Dear Parents/Carers,
Wishing you all a Happy New Year! I hope you have had a lovely Christmas and are all well.
have scheduled for the Home learning tasks to Google Classroom. Three tasks will appear each day on Google Classroom with all of the resources that are needed can be found.  
Can all pupils complete their work and upload to the correct day’s task.  

If you have any queries or issues please email [email protected] or ask your child to contact me direct through Google Classroom.
Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs Roberts

Class 3: Christmas Home Learning Challenges Week Beginning 14.12.20

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope that you are ok, and you are all staying safe. Staff have created a learning grid full of fun and festive challenges for your child to complete throughout the week.  These challenges are open-ended and can be adapted to suit all ages.  Appropriate resources are available to access to support these activities where necessary (see below). Please share with us what you have done through the following platforms using pictures, videos etc..-
Seesaw(Nursery, Reception, year 1 and year 2) Google Classroom(Year 3, 4, 5 and 6)
Each teacher will be maintaining communication with your child when they share completed activities. Please check in daily with your teacher to let them know how you are getting. If you have any questions or queries, please contact us through our school email [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
We hope you enjoy the range of activities and we look forward to seeing you share your learning with us.
Many Thanks

pdf icon Be-Kind-Advent-Calendar.pdf
pdf icon Christmas-Around-the-World-KS2.pdf
pdf icon Christmas-Booklet-Year-5-and-6.pdf
pdf icon Christmas-home-learning-challenges-week-beginning-14.12.20.pdf
pdf icon Christmas-Mindfulness-Colouring-1.pdf

Class 3: Home Learning activities week beginning 13/7/2020

Hi everyone,
This is your last week of home learning activities before the end of the summer term. I would like to say thank you for your continued hard work and a massive well done for completing the home  learning activities on Purple Mash and  Google Classroom. I am very proud of you all!
There are five activities to complete this week, as always if you have any concerns or questions please let me know by email or we can discuss when I am in school with you this week. Also look out for a video  I will be posting today, to the school website for one  your tasks.
We need to say Goodbye to year 6, you have been fantastic and we will miss you all! I want to wish you the best of luck for High School and for the future.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer break but  remember to stay safe!
Take care everybody!
Mrs Roberts

doc icon Rainforest-Home-Learning-13-7-20.docx

Class 3: Home Learning activities week beginning 13/7/2020

Hi everyone,
This is your last week of home learning activities before the end of the summer term. I would like to say thank you for your continued hard work and a massive well done for completing the home  learning activities on Purple Mash and  Google Classroom. I am very proud of you all!
There are five activities to complete this week, as always if you have any concerns or questions please let me know by email or we can discuss when I am in school with you this week. Also look out for a video  I will be posting today, to the school website for one  your tasks.
We need to say Goodbye to year 6, you have been fantastic and we will miss you all! I want to wish you the best of luck for High School and for the future.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer break but  remember to stay safe!
Take care everybody!
Mrs Roberts

doc icon Rainforest-Home-Learning-13-7-20.docx