Class 3: Rainforest Home Learning Activities

Good Morning All,
I hope you have had an enjoyable weekend and for some even participated in the 75th Anniversary VE Day celebrations.  I have enjoyed viewing work completed related to VE Day and continue to be impressed with the activities pupils are accessing on purple Mash and Google Classroom. I appreciate all your hard work – Da iawn pawb!
Over the next couple of weeks, I will be attaching Home Learning activities linked to the topic ‘Rainforests’. The pupils will have the next two weeks to complete the attached activities along with the continued tasks I will be setting on Purple Mash. Please ask pupils to regularly check their 2do activities.
If you have any questions relating to the Home learning activities, please contact me via Hwb or Purple Mash email.
Take care and Stay Safe!
Mrs Roberts

doc icon Rainforest-Home-learning-activities-wk-1.docx
pdf icon ni2-g-33-design-your-own-rainforest-animal-read-and-draw-activity-sheet.pdf

Class 1: Home learning challenge grid week beginning 11th May 2020

Hello all,

We hope you are all staying happy and healthy.

We enjoy sharing your learning with you each week by looking at the 2dos you are completing on Purple Mash and activities, photographs and videos uploaded onto Seesaw. Please keep them coming.

Please find attached the home learning challenge grid for week beginning 11th May.

If you have any questions about activities set for this week, please get in touch.

Keep safe and keep smiling.

Mrs Parry and Mrs Tomlinson

pdf icon Home-learning-journey-challenges-week-beg-11.05.20.pdf

Foundation Phase: Learning Grid wb 11.05.20

Reception and Nursery!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the gorgeous sunshine we had. 
This week I have added a few extra activities to the Learning Grid (Jack and the Beanstalk 11.04.20) to allow time to catch up on any activities that you would like to do from previous weeks. 
This week is again linked to Jack and the Beanstalk with an additional story that I hope you all enjoy. Please note that all Seesaw activities will be active from Monday 11th May 2020.  I have also added links to additional resources to support learning this week, they are on the last page of the Learning Grid document. 
I have not added any additional tasks to PurpleMash this week, however, you are more than welcome to explore the different tools in PurpleMash and MiniMash and complete any outstanding activities that you may want to
If you any questions or require support please contact us through Seesaw. If you are not yet logged into Seesaw please use the unique student code which has been emailed to you. 
Please keep in touch with us, it really brightens up our day when we get to see and hear all about what your child is doing. 
You are all doing a fantastic job! 
Keep safe, keep well, keep happy. 
Miss Davies 😊
P.S. Apologies, I have added last week’s Learning Grid as I don’t think it uploaded to the website last week, however it was uploaded to Seesaw.

pdf icon Jack-and-the-Beanstalk-11.05.20.pdf
pdf icon Jack-and-the-Beanstalk-.pdf

News: Headteacher Update

Dear Parents/ Carers

As we move towards the end of another week, we hope that you are all  staying safe and well. We wish you an enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend and hope that the weather remains kind.

Staff continue to support children in the Holywell Hub and I thank them again for their hard work and commitment. They are also keeping in regular contact with you all, posting updates for distance learning, using a range of forms. If you have any problems, or need to contact us, for further support, then please do so, using the email address; [email protected]. We are always happy to help.

We hope you enjoyed our special messages. The staff continue to think of you all and are always looking for ways to ‘stay in touch.’

Please find attached a number of links from Welsh Assembly Government that may be of interest to you. Stay safe and well everyone.

Supporting your children touse the Welsh language at home Kirsty Williams, Minister for Education

Guidance to parents and carers to support their children to use the Welsh language at home

Distance learning resources

Playful Childhoods supporting play

Accessing school and communitybased counselling: coronavirus

Online safety at home Support and resources for parents and carers

Updated School admission appeals: coronavirus (COVID19)

Education and Childcare: Coronavirus FAQs

Class 2 update

Hello Class 2, Just keeping in touch with you all to any thank you and to say well done to you all for  your hard work with the online work you are doing and sending it to me to be checked.  I will continue to send tasks via Purple Mash and look forward to reading your blogs on the platform too.  There are new activities based on the novels too that I’m sure you will all enjoy. It would be really good if you could write sequels of your own based on what you read…. we can share these with each other when we return to school.
I hope you like the video we sent to you all, the staff had a  great time putting this together and it makes us all smile seeing everyone making some special memories.
So that’s all from me for now, Stay safe, make special memories and have a look at the online work that’s there for you to work on.
Take care, From, Mrs Shickell

Class 3: VE Day Themed home learning grid

Good morning everyone,
I hope you have all had a good weekend. 
I’m not sure if everybody has been able to access the home learning activities being sent via Purple Mash and Google Classroom, so I have attached a VE Day themed home learning grid for this week (week beginning 4th May 2020), with some worksheets. 
Some of the activities are from the Royal Legion website view at: Please ask pupils to complete tasks using either their home learning books, typing up using Purple Mash or choose one of the apps from Google Classroom.
For any pupils wondering what Google classroom is please ask them to open their Hwb emails and look for a Google Classroom invite. There are also some short videos to help explain what to do, in separate emails.
Look out for messages on the Purple Mash blog or Google Classroom stream from myself, Miss Owen, Mrs Maddocks and even other pupils from class 3.

If pupils have any questions, please ask them to email me through their Hwb or Purple Mash accounts and I will get back to them.

Take care and Stay Safe!

Mrs Roberts

doc icon VE-Day-home-learning-gid-4-5-20.docx
pdf icon t2-h-5437-ks2-ve-day-discussion-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
pdf icon t3-h-123-design-a-ve-day-medal-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
pdf icon buntingblank.pdf

Class 3: VE Day Themed home learning grid

Good morning everyone,
I hope you have all had a good weekend. 
I’m not sure if everybody has been able to access the home learning activities being sent via Purple Mash and Google Classroom, so I have attached a VE Day themed home learning grid for this week (week beginning 4th May 2020), with some worksheets. 
Some of the activities are from the Royal Legion website view at: Please ask pupils to complete tasks using either their home learning books, typing up using Purple Mash or choose one of the apps from Google Classroom.
For any pupils wondering what Google classroom is please ask them to open their Hwb emails and look for a Google Classroom invite. There are also some short videos to help explain what to do, in separate emails.
Look out for messages on the Purple Mash blog or Google Classroom stream from myself, Miss Owen, Mrs Maddocks and even other pupils from class 3.

If pupils have any questions, please ask them to email me through their Hwb or Purple Mash accounts and I will get back to them.

Take care and Stay Safe!

Mrs Roberts

doc icon VE-Day-home-learning-gid-4-5-20.docx
pdf icon t2-h-5437-ks2-ve-day-discussion-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
pdf icon t3-h-123-design-a-ve-day-medal-activity-sheet_ver_1.pdf
pdf icon buntingblank.pdf

Foundation Phase: Home Learning Challenges WB 4.05.20

Bore Da!
Please see attached this week’s Learning Grid. This week we will be focusing on the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. 
Activities show the links to whether they are on Seesaw or PurpleMash. 
Seesaw has been a great way to keep vital communication between you and us. So, when you have time sign in with your codes. This learning grid is also sent in the ‘Student Announcement’ section of Seesaw. 
Again, if you have any problems on getting onto Seesaw please email [email protected]
Hope you enjoy your week in the sunshine 🌞
Stay safe!